Chapter 22 - An Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 22

            After a pathetic attempt at sounding sick Ken agreed to let me work from home today and submit as our office network is accessible via internet.  I was happy to take the day off, as my parents were both at work and Liz was at school.   The moment I was off the phone I grab my laptop and found a prime position in front of the television for optimal viewing and typing capacity; the typing soon lost priority to the hours of daytime soaps on television.

            The electric fire place is humming and flickering in the background and I wrap myself tight in a throw that is lying on the coach.  I rest my head on a pile of pillows and flicked from one station to another during commercial breaks.  The soothing heat of the basement and dim lights lull me into slumber.

            I hover over the limp form beneath me, the colour is already fading from the skin, the lips are now dull and all the creases grow increasingly more defined by the moment.  The fog swirling around my ectoplasmic presence lifts and I can start to make out more features: the hair is long and black, lying in a tangled mess.  The figure is thin and feminine, the clothes trendy, are torn in places and dirty.  The hair falls over the eyes and nose, the neck is twisted to a horrible angle; broken. 

            Earth again rips through me and falls onto the lifeless form beneath me, there is something familiar about her.  I kneel down in the shallow grave, forgetting about the digger, my body trembling as I reach my hand forward.  Convulsions pulse through my arm, increasing with every breathe I take as I move closer.  My heart is racing and all I hear is it thudding in my chest.  My hand gets hold of the long strands twisted over her face.  My body is now parallel to the corpse, I take a deep breathe preparing myself. 

            Clammy hands clench my wrists and pull my down hard.  The eyes spring open and stare blankly at me – they are cold and dark.

            The head jerks back, forgetting the break and she sits up pulling me with her.  I cannot move, I cannot scream, my body has grown cold and I feel mesmerized in her presence.  The hair falls away from the face and lightening flashes in the sky making everything around me glow and clear.  Kay, I am staring at Kay.  She reaches towards me and grabs my face in her hand, I try to move but I am powerless to her strength.  She turns my line of sight to the digger who is still actively burying her body.  She points and whispers, something in my ear.  I cannot make out her words as it comes out in a hiss.  She is squeezing me harder and I am feeling faint.  I fall back into the hole, my head hitting the earth with a thud, dirt and water rises up beside me.  Kay is staring through me, her skin is pale, her hair has lost all luster.  She is pinning me down in the mud hissing at me.  I open my mouth and scream.

“God, what’s wrong with you!”  The lights on the nightstand next to my brother is one and he is staring at me.  “I have an exam tomorrow, shut up!”

“I’m sorry.”  The clock flashes ‘3AM’ in bold red digits.

“Why do you have to be so weird?”  He turns off the light and is snoring by the time his head hits the pillow.  I roll out of bed and fumble my way to the bathroom for a glass of water.

“Good morning Fiona.  How are you doing?  I never see you anymore!  You have to come visit me soon.”  Kay’s cousin Crystal is cheery and open on the other end.  After some small talk I get to why I am calling, “Listen I was wondering if you knew how I could get a hold of Kay?  I haven’t seen her in a while and I was going to pass through on my way to visit some friends from University and I thought we could all hook up.”

“How would I know how to get ahold of Kay?”

“I thought she was staying with you for a bit?”

“I haven’t seen her since I last saw you.  You mean she’s here and she hasn’t even called me?”

“Hasn’t her mom called you?  I thought she was staying with you…”

“Her mom doesn’t exactly approve of me.”  Crystal is a dancer by profession, most parents would not approve of that type of consort.

“Listen, I have to go.  Tell Kay she better call me!  Ciao.”  The phone goes dead at the other end and I sit listening to it’s hum.

            I tear through my purse looking for the Constable’s card.  I could not remember his name.  Five sticks of gum, three lip glosses and a pile of change later and still no luck.  I decide to make a trip to the police station.

“Hello.  May I speak with a constable please?  It’s about a missing person.”

The receptionist picks up her phone and asks me to take a seat.  A few moments pass by and an officer comes out and leads me to his desk.  He is middle aged with splashes of grey I his hair and moustache.  He smiles at me as he fumbles in his drawer for a pen and notepad. 

“I think someone killed my friend,” I blurt out.

“I thought this was a missing person case,” he raises his eyebrows.

“It is.  Well it was.  They said she is in Toronto, but she’s not.  She’s dead.”

They get higher.  I can feel my palms get clammy and I clutch them around my purse.

“Why do you think she’s dead?”

“I called her cousin, the one she was apparently staying with, but she never did, and I just know.”

“Let’s start at the beginning.  What is her name?”

“Kay Pearson.”

He types away at his keyboard and stares intently at the computer screen for a few moments.  His eyes scan side to side as he reads.

“It says here she was reported missing about four months ago and she had left a letter…”

“Yes.  I was the one that reported her missing.  She said she moved to Toronto and was staying with her cousin for a bit in the letter.  The problem is I called her cousin and she was never there.”

“Now it says here that we tried to follow up with a Crystal Pearson.  We left her several messages and even sent an officer to her apartment.  She never got back to us.  Now we told her in the messages it was important to get back to us in regards to Kay.  She just never got back to us.”

“And you just gave up?”

“We had provided you with information we had at the time and her mother, all the information added up and you were content with that.  Why do you think differently now?”

“Did you not just hear me? She is not staying with her cousin!  She never did!  I just do.  Can you please just look into it…Please.”  I can hear my voice trembling.

“We will try to follow up with the cousin again, but it’s quite possible she is staying with a different one, she has quite a large family.”

He handed me his card and told me he would get back to me in a few weeks, but not to worry, there had been no signs of foul play.

            I walk through the front door and Liz has left me a note that Rob had called.  I had left my cell phone at home and I had been vibrating nonstop.

“Hey, where were you?”

“Sorry, I just went to the police station.”

“Why?”  His voice sounds concern.

“Kay’s dead.”  Silence.

“What?  What happened?”  I can tell Robert is upset, she was his friend also.

“Well, I know it sounds weird but I had a dream and she was dead…”

“Why don’t we go for a drive and we can talk about?  You and your dreams.”  He laughs at me.  I agree.

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