Chapter 18 - An interesting first date

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Chapter 18

            Seven on the dot Rob pulls up in front of my parents house.  I had asked him to call my cell phone when he got there.

“Lack of manners,” my dad’s voice raised over the roar of the television.

“Or following my instructions,” I answered back bent over, putting on my shoes.

“And he is…”

“A friend.”

“That we are not allowed to meet?”

“A good one.  One that I really do not want to be scared away!”

“Good night, see you later tonight.”  A subtle way for dad to tell me that I needed to come home tonight.

            We sat on his couch watching a stream of movies and eating a big bowl of buttered popcorn.  We talked social issues, politics, and gossiped, awide variety of topics that spurred many debates and laughs.  All the nerves that I had been experiencing earlier flew out the window as I relaxed.

            As the evening drifted away Robert posed the one question I had hoped that he would never ask, “So why were you avoiding me?”

“I wasn’t avoiding you, I was really busy with moving and work and the packing and everything else that encompasses moving and work…” I play dumb in a very unbelievable manner.

“You didn’t return my phone calls, one word texts always with a form of saying ‘no’, you got very creative at that.. I just want to know if I did something? Or if I didn’t and I should have.”

He tickled my stomach and I squirmed; I found myself on my back with his chest pressed against mine and I could feel his breath on my face.  I could feel his heart pounding in unison with mine.

“Well???” his question lingered in the air.

“Can we talk about this later, I don’t want to spoil the moment.” I giggled and pulled myself on top of him and nuzzled his face.

            The movie finishes and the television screen hums before us.

“So back to the question at hand.” He was persistence to say the least.

“Ok but, its really silly…”


“Well I was having these dreams and they really freaked me out at first and I just needed to think about things.”

“Oh so I am giving you nightmares, that makes me feel sooooo much better.”  The moment the words had escaped my lips I immediately regretted it.

“No no no, you don’t give me nightmares, it was probably just because I spend a lot of time with you and things like that.”

“Oh, so I am always on your mind?”

“Oh don’t give yourself that much credit babes.” He tickles me and wraps his arms around my stomach and holds me tight.  We sat there in each others comfort and I soaked in the moment, holding on to the memory of pure happiness.  There lay so much potential in our relationship.

“So what were these horrible dreams about then?  Did I break up with you?”

“Not exactly.”

“Aww, and how could it be worse then that…” He talked to me as if he was talking to a small child or baby.  I suddenly became very tense and upset with his mannerisms.

“You killed me.  Well you didn’t finish the job but you came very close to it.  We were in a car in a field and you put your hands around my throat and you squeezed.  You were yelling at me.  I managed to get out of the car and you were chasing me.  I was scared.”

“What?”  There was honest shock in his voice.

“I was scared of you.  It was really weird and really real feeling.  I turned around, your hand gripped my shoulder and I woke up.”

“Why would you tell me this?”  His voice changed, heavier and deeper.  He was no longer shocked, he seemed almost angry, or annoyed.  I could not tell.

“You asked.”

“I know. I’m sorry, It just surprised me.  But I should get you home, I don’t want to get your parents upset with me.”

My words had hurt him more then he would let on, but his actions showed what he was unable to say.  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

            I kissed him good night when he dropped me off.  He is distant as he tells me what a great night he had and that he would call me tomorrow. 

            I went downstairs got into my pyjamas and crawled into my crisp sheets.  I feel asleep slightly confused. 

Dream's IntuitionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz