Meeting his Family

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You looked at your trembling hands and wiped your sweaty palms at the back of your pants. You took a deep breath and entered the car.

This was it. The day you're going to meet Luke's family. The day you meet the wonderful people who raised an amazing person. You were extremely nervous, and you keep thinking negative thoughts, which made it worse.

As Luke drove, you kept silent, predicting things that might happen.

Luke held your hand, and kissed your knuckles.

"You're nervous aren't you?"

"More like terrified.." You looked at him "Luke, what if they don't like me?"

He kissed your hand again and laughed.

"Babe, trust me..they will love you" he assured.

"Actually.." He added, rather slowly "..they're really fond of meeting you, especially my mum. She wouldn't stop talking about you"

You grew wide-eyed.

"Luke, what the heck did you do?!"

"Uhm...I might have...sort of...kind of...let them watch the hilarious videos you sent me and our, you know, private pictures.."

"What do you exactly mean by 'private pictures'?"

"Erm...our kissing, snuggling pics...oops?"

"You didn't!"

He chuckled, and you joined him.

"God, what are they gonna think of me now?" You sighed.

"A very beautiful, kind hearted, intelligently witty babe who can't stop kissing their son"

"Oh haha"

Minutes later you arrived at a vintage looking house. It was beautiful...and huge. This was the place where Luke grew up, the place where his childhood is kept.

You stepped out of the car, silently praying things would go perfectly. Luke wrapped his arms around you and led you to the front porch.

There's no turning back now.

"You ready, love?"

You nodded.

The door opened and you saw a lovely woman. She looked like she was around forty but she looked elegant. Her cheek bones were just gorgeous and her features were soft.

Luke's mom.


She hugged you tightly and you hugged back. Luke was smiling at the view.

"It's nice to finally meet you.."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Hemmings" you greeted politely.

"Oh, call me Liz. Luke has told me so much about you.."

You looked over at Luke, he swung his head to the right and whistled happily, trying to look innocent.

"Come in, Y/N.."

"Thank you"

Inside was as lovely as the outside. The living room was clean and well organized. There were several paintings and pictures stuck to the wall, and you noticed there was a young Luke, holding a guitar, smiling genuinely.

"You have a lovely house" You complimented.

"I think we're gonna get along just fine, Y/N" Liz replied.

There were two boys that walked in the room, and they looked a lot like Luke.

"So this is the famous Y/N.." The tall one said.

"Luke just wouldn't stop talking about you.." The other boy added.

"He said that your hair really smelled good, like, all the time"

"Okay, that's enough" Luke stepped in, putting a hand on his brother's mouth.

You giggled.

"Y/N, this is Ben and brothers"

"It's a pleasure to meet you both.." You held ot your hand.

Instead they hugged you. For quite some time if I may add.

Luke coughed awkwardly and they let go. He wrapped his arm around your waist and said

"She's mine.."

They both laughed. "You're right, bro. Her hair does smell good"

"Okay, enough hair talk. Let's go eat" Liz said motioning you all to go to the dining area.

The smell of fresh roasted chicken instantly lingered your nose.

You sat down beside Luke and Liz, trying so hard to be poised.

Luke held your knee under the table and caressed your leg, calming you.

"Let's eat"


After eating, Liz let you watch Luke's baby pictures which were extremely cute.

"...and that was him in the bath tub, he pooped that day"

"Muuummmmm, seriously..." Luke groaned, covering his face with his hands.

"Awww..he looks so cute back then" You said.

"I'm not cute now?" He pouted.

"No, you're ten times cuter now.."

He kissed your cheek and his brothers groaned.

"Can this wait til' you two are alone?" Ben said, throwing a pillow at Luke.

"Get an effin' room" Jack added.

"Hey now, boys. Let's keep this PG rated.." Liz stated.

Two hours have passed and it was time to go home. You really wanted yo spend more time with them, but you were just relieved you didn't do anything to upset them. Overall, it went incredibly well. You just met the people who Luke grew up with, and that was a big honor.

You did your goodbyes and entered the vehicle.

Luke instantly kissed you, hungrily. When you finished doing your 'business' he said "Jeez. That was hell. Three hours without kissing you was torture"

"You have a really wonderful family, Luke"

"Yeah..." He said, staring at your lips.

"Are you even listening?"

"Huh? I just. Damn it, Y/N, I can't kiss you in front of my mum..."

You laughed.

"Can I please kiss you now?" He begged.

"You have to wait until we get home to receive the full package" you winked.

He smirked before saying "Looking forward to it.."


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