You get jealous and it leads to an Argument

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You and the boys were leaving for their tour in America. You were in the airport, struggling to go pass thousands of screaming girls. The moment the boys took one step on the airport they were instantly mobbed. Luke was holding your hand tightly, not even thinking to let you go.

The boys took pics with the fans, but Luke went with you.You felt guilty when a fan cried cause Luke was about to leave

"Uh,babe?" You said.


"Um. I really think that you should hang out with your fans...the plane won't be here for a while"

"You sure? I don't wanna leave you.."

"I'll be fine. Go.."

He kissed your hand before walking towards the fans. They were taking pictures of him and the boys. They were hugging him and kissing his cheeks. Which was totally fine with you. You smiled when Luke picked up a little girl and took a selfie with her. You imagined how he'll become a wonderful dad.

Your smile faded when a group of girls about the age of 18 started flirting with him. You weren't exactly the type of girlfriend who would get jealous in things like these, but they were wearing very revealing clothes. Their underwear could be seen by wearing those shorts. Not to mention their shirts were so tiny. You even wondered how they could have entered the airport wearing these godforsaken clothes.

You turned red from anger when one of them 'accidentally' dropped her pen. She slowly picked it up, seducing Luke with her amazing body.

Luke stared at her for one second and coughed awkwardly. The girls giggled and took a picture with him, their hands on his waist. One of them even touched his butt.

You had enough of this, you walked towards the benches, furious.

Minutes later, you felt Luke sit beside you. You knew it was him judging by his familiar scent. You didn't look at him.

"Babe, you okay?"

"No, I am not okay!"

"Woah, calm down. What did I do?"

"Oh please. Did you really think I didn't see you checking out at those girls!"

You started to walk away, but Luke caught hold of your hand.

"You were the one who told me to hang out with the fans, Y/N"

"Yeah. I said hang out. Not check out!"

"Stop yelling. You're causing a scene" he said angrily.

"Look Y/N I didn't check her out" he sounded sincere and hurt, but you were too mad to notice.

"Oh really? So you just accidentally looked at her boobs?"

"I didn't look at her boobs!" He spat back.

"Then why were you looking at her?!!"

"Do you really want me to take a picture with them while closing my eyes?"

You looked around, thankful there weren't a lot of people in this area.

"You're getting off the subject!" you began " Do you like her? Or do you like her clothes more?"

He flashed you a disgusted look.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I love you and you alone?! Why is that so hard to believe, Y/N? Don't you even trust me?"

Guilt washed over you. You then noticed how frustrated he looked. You put your hand on your mouth, feeling so dumb for not trusting him in the first place.

"L-Luke of course I trust you.."

"Oh really? Cause for a second there all you said was about me being flirtatious with a fan" he said, coldly. "..if you do trust me start acting like you do"

"..I..I-Im so sorry, Luke. I was--"

He simply let go of your hand and walked away.

"Oh, and by the way, I looked at her cause I was wondering how the hell did she come here with those clothes.."



You were know inside the plane sitting beside Luke. His head was on his fist, frowning. He was still mad. He didn't talk to you since the argument. You felt so stupid. How could you even have the heart to accuse him of checking a girl out. Just thinking about it makes you want to punch yourself. Luke was the best boyfriend ever. And you felt like you were the worst girlfriend of all times.

You looked at him, he was still frowning. You took his hand, and rubbed his palm with your thumb. You didn't dare to look at his expression, but you felt him looking at you.

When you looked at him again, you had tears in your eyes.

"I'm sorry...for being a stupid jealous girlfriend"

He sighed happily and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"It's okay,'re cute when you jealous"

You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Luke...and I do trust you with all my heart"

"I love you more.."

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