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You meant a lot to me,
Even if I wasn't a bit to you.
You were the person I desired,
Even if I wasn't whom you admired.
You were the person I wanted to spend time with,
Even if you weren't a friend in need.
I dreamt of you all the nights,
Knowing that you can never be mine.
I wrote poems on us,
Knowing that it was just you and me.
I celebrated on your every success
Even if I wasn't the reason behind it.
But what did I get for doing all this ??
Except :
Your harsh comments on the way I look
Your harsh comments on the way I walk
Your harsh comments on the way I talk
And all those names that you use just to mock at me.
And after all this things you came to say a 'sorry'
Because i heard you saying those things
And not because you said those things.

It Hurts Because It  Used To Matter Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ