Chapter 9

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~(y/n)'s pov~
You woke up feeling the weird feeling again. You really don't like it and every time it strikes, it comes out weirder and weirder. You noticed sans sleeping on your head. You gently moved him into a laying position and left as quietly as possible. You went back to your house, ate breakfast,took a bath, got some clothes (big glasses, a (f/c) wooly sweater, light blue thin pants and (f/c) flats/heels), got a backpack and packed a notebook, pencil,sharpener and eraser and some food and went outside.

You decided to go underground because you want to explore there more. You went to the cave of my. Ebbot and went down the ladders. (where frisk and the other humans fell and I just want a ladder there a long one so I put one there) I saw a patch of golden flowers and decided to draw it. You finished the drawing and it looks wonderful. You carried on and saw a sort of purple ruins. You went through the gates of a house then you entered a cold forest. You regret no bringing your jacket but it's okay. You saw a peaceful town with no one in it. (because they are already on the surface duh!) You saw a house that looked like the house sans and papyrus owns. You went inside and it was surprisingly warm. The house is empty but you decided to stay here for a bit. You looked at your watch and saw that the time is already 8:30pm! How time flies by...

You sat on a corner and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

~Sans's pov~
Huh? Where is (y/n)? I already checked her house and she's not there! I checked in undyne and alphys's house and in toriel and asgore's house. They are nowhere to be found! Where is she?!?!?!? I'm worried. What if she was kidnapped or killed?!?!?!?!? I must find her!

~Time skip brought to you by sans's worried expression~

I can't find her in town! I asked some people but they didn't see her! It's already 12:00am and she still isn't anywhere! No.. I can't give up finding her! "*Yawn* brother? Why aren't you asleep yet?" Papyrus asked opening his bedroom door. "I can't find (y/n)! I looked around town and even in her house! I can't find her!" I said whisper yelling at papyrus. "She must be somewhere else but *yawn* you can always find her tomorrow" "but she might be in trouble!" "No brother she is not. I am sure because she is one of the bravest,smartest and toughest humans I know so she could defend herself. You need to rest brother.""fine. Just help me find her tomorrow k?" "Okay and I shall see if anyone else wants to help." "K night bro.""good night sans" papyrus went upstairs to his room again and I went to my room.

~The next day~
~(y/n)'s pov~
I woke up and went out of the house while eating some bread. When I went forward, I saw fog but it's gone at the end of the road. I saw some gems on top of the room and below it too. I saw a echo flower so I assume this is waterfall. I saw some pink flowers and a sign. I read the sign "To cross, you need to put 4 flowers in a row and it will become a flower bridge" (ps I don't remember what that sign says but this is a close copy of it I guess) you put the flowers on the water and it bloomed. It's so beautiful. You crossed it and saw another puzzle like that.

~Time skip to hotland~ (sorry I don't want to write waterfall stuff much)

I exited waterfall and the atmosphere is so hot. I took of my scarf and it's still awfully hot! I saw a water dispenser and drank so many water before moving on. I saw a lab and went in it. I saw a monitor and a computer,a half full dog food bag, a fridge full of instant noodles and a restroom. I took some instant noodles because I'm running out of food and continued forward. I saw some puzzles.

~Sans's pov~
I woke up rather early and started looking for (y/n) again. I looked in the forest, in the village and on the mountains but there's no sign of her. I searched everywhere but Mt. Ebbot so I decided to go search for her there. I climbed down the ladder and started to search for her.

~(y/n)'s pov~

I completed all the puzzles but some I needed to risk some of my hp. My hp is now at 8/20 but I ate some food so I'm fine. I saw blue on the walls and there are so many crossroads so i went back and used the elevator.

~time skip to new home (asgore's place)~

I saw another elevator and I went in again to see the end of the long pathway. I went forward and saw the hall in my nightmares. The judgement hall. I got flashbacks of my nightmares and it's so hard to ignore so I ran to another room. There's a sign saying throne room so I went in and I saw a throne. I quickly realized it's was night so I ate and slept on the throne.

~Sans's pov~
I can't find her so I teleported to the judgement hall and went to the throne room to see (y/n) sleeping on the throne. I fell to my knees and cried a little because I finally found her. I decided to not wake her up because I think she's been through a lot to get here so I carried her (bridal style ;).) And went to the surface and set her on my bed in my house. She looked so cute while sleeping. I informed paps that i found her and went to the couch to sleep. Today was a long journey.

DONE! I'm gonna write more chapters! Bye potato chips!

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