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Evelyn's POV

"Excuse me sir, did I say you were allowed in here?" I called out to the boy with brown hair who stood in my room. I crossed my arms, a smirk on my face as he turned around.

"Evie, I missed you." He sighed walking towards me.

"Oh would you look at that Thomas. Stanley. Holland, said he missed me? Where's the press, I need them asap. Tom Holland missed me?!" I gushed, mocking his fame pulling out my phone pretending to call someone.

He shook his head a grin expressed on his face, grabbing my phone from my ear and throwing it on my bed.

"C'mere you dork and give me a hug before I throw you out the window."

He pulled me into his chest wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

"Pfft like you can." I scoffed instantly regretting it. He pulled back an eyebrow raised. My eyes widened as I tried to struggle out of his grasp.

"I was joking Tommy, ha, ha, oh that's my phone ringing gotta go!" I exclaimed my fake excuses slipping out of his grasp running out of my room.

My childhood best friend took after me, grabbing me by the waist, picking me up as I screamed and kicked my legs. He walked us back into my room as he walked us to the window.

"Tom! Is this really how you want your best friend to leave the earth? Being thrown out the window?" I gasped. All of the sudden, gravity took it's place and Tom dropped me on the floor.

"Gee Tom, thanks for the warning." I mumbled but all I heard was his laughter. I peered up at him, his beautiful smile beaming down at me and I couldn't help but reflect it.

"Sorry E." He shrugged his shoulders as I helped myself up.

"What're you doing here? I thought you were on press tour for your what's it called?" I asked switching the subject but clearly knowing what he was spending his time on.


"Oh that's what it was? I thought you were back on Billy Elliot. My bad." I joked shooting him a smile.

"I hate you, you know that?"

"Love you too Tommy boy. Now, lemme see Tess and my favorite Paddy will ya?" I grinned at him as I busied myself at the vanity.

"Oh I missed Tess so much." I told Tom as we walked down my stairs of my loft.

"Not even me?" He questioned behind me.

I turned backwards to him biting my lip, I showed him how much I missed him with my fingers pinching them together and looking through the space with one eye.

"This much."

"Hmmm, I'll remember that for next time."

"Next time what?"

I was left with silence as I glared up at him as he had a smug smirk plastered on his lips. I sighed and ran my fingers through my dark brown locks as we walked down to the elevator.


"Evie!" I heard a small voice come from below me as Tom opened the door to his home for me. I looked down and Paddy stared up at me.

"Hi Paddy!" I exclaimed dropping to my knees giving him a hug and squeezing him tight.

"How come I didn't get greeted like this?" Tom scoffed throwing his keys on the table.

"Cause Paddy over here is a little bit more special than you Tom." I joked looking at Tom before transitioning my eyes to Paddy giving him a wink.

"Tom is that you?" I heard the boys mother shout throughout the house.

"Yeah Mum, I brought Evelyn with me too!" He shouted back, his mother came into view her arms open.

"Evelyn dear, it feels like ages since I've seen you." She sweetly said embracing me.

"Are you hungry, I've just gotten chocolate strawberries if you would like some."

"Sounds good."

"How come Ev gets treated better than I do in this household!" Tom joked.

"That's cause Eve's liked in this house hold." Sam said coming down the stairs following us down into the kitchen. Sam's comment earned him a punch in the punch in the shoulder from Tom as Nikki handed me a strawberry and I thanked her.

"Don't worry Tom, I like you." I winked before taking a bite into the strawberry.

"Hun where's Harrison?" Nikki asked Tom, he shrugged his shoulders. Which was strange to me, Harrison and Tom were glued together. Even more than me and Tom.

"I'm sure you both have so much to catch up on, here's a plate of strawberries just don't make a mess." She smiled handing Tom the plate. I thanked her, as Tom dragged me up to his room.

I walked down the hallway and Tom opened his room door for me and I sat down on the neatly made bed as he shut the door placing the strawberries on the desk.

"Tess!" I screamed. Alarming Tom as he held his hands up with a strawberry in one.

"Harry's with her at the park." He spoke. Taking a bite out of the strawberry, not gonna lie he looked very hot while doing it. I tried to stop myself from staring but I just couldn't help myself.

I walked over to him grabbing a strawberry, taking a bite out of it and walks towards the window in his room. I have always found Tom attractive but new and improved Tom is better. With a pair of abs and muscles now on him.

"When do you leave again?" I asked turning towards him.

"Couple of days or so and I'll be gone for the next month." He spoke softly coming up to me. I sighed, licking my lips the sweet chocolate leaving a tint on them.

I turned towards him and he let out a chuckle, placing his hand near my lips his thumb and my heart started beating faster.

"Got some chocolate on your face E." he said as his thumb rubbed it off, I smiled at him as I heard yelling down stairs.

"That must be my brothers." He mumbled.

"Do you ever wish you had a sister?" I asked him walking around his room. I turned towards him and he shook his head.

"In a way you're like my sister I guess."

I tired to suppress a frown, there have always been feelings for Tom from me. But we were best friends and it would be weird and not worth our friendship for us to date. Every time he got a girlfriend I was pushed aside, with out a doubt it hurt me so much to feel like that. But I had other friends to occupy my time and school too.

"Yeah." I nodded my head turning away from him.

"Meet any men of your interest while I was away?"

"Couple 'a dates here and there but none that are worth my time."

He laughed, "You've been so picky Ev."

"I am not picky! I just know what I like." I huffed defending myself.

"Plus, at our age it's hard to find a guy." I mumbled.

"Maybe you're just not looking in the right places."

"Yeah maybe I am." I spoke sadly.

"But I just don't understand, girls like Grace get boys falling at her feet and yet she says that she's too ugly for a relationship. It's just so sad how some people don't even know what's right in front of them." I spoke frustrated making an indirect to Tom.

"Yeah it really is." He replied back with a smile.

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