Dead Woman Walking

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Meanwhile, downstairs, the two men that had completely disguised Moriarty's body as Tyler's dragged the body out of the lift and into the street, placing it on the ground where Tyler should have fallen, positioning it to make it look as if it had, and began squirting fake blood around the pavement and over the body. Other people began hurrying into position around the body, some made out to look like hospital staff in blue scrubs, all pretending to be shocked and concerned.

As Clara began to pull herself upright from the road, she looked back over towards the body to see all the people gathered around it, half blocking her view. She winced as she got onto her feet, when a man approached her, wearing a dark blue coat, and stepped into his path.

"Clara," the man, actually Darren Brown, a famous illusionist and hypnotist, said as he blocked Clara's view of the body. He placed a hand on Clara's shoulder, "Clara. Look at me. Look at me," Clara blinked and looked at him, "And... sleep!" he ordered, putting his hand over Clara's eyes. She collapsed into Darren's arms, her eyes closed as the man gently began to lower her back down onto the ground, "Right the way down, right the way deep, right the way sound asleep," he carefully eased her back onto her side on the ground, "That's right. That's good, keeping my voice just there in the centre of your head and floating all the way around you," while he spoke calmly, he reached for Clara's watch and wound it back a few minutes. He slowly began to stand, looking back down at Clara, "And you will awaken in three, two, one..." Clara grimaced, starting to move, "," he flipped the hood of his jacket up and walked away.

Clara's eyes opened and she groaned, a funny ringing in her ears as she looked back across to the people gathered around Tyler's body. "Tyler..." She pulled herself onto her feet and stumbled across to the crowd, trying to push her way through, "Tyler... Let me come through, please," he told them desperately as some of the crowd tried to hold him back, "No, she's my friend... She's my friend, please..."

Clara's knees gave way beneath her, the shock of seeing her friend's bloody body on the pavement and the knock to her head simply too much for her to take, half supported by a pair of arms she didn't know belonged to John. Two paramedics arrived with a stretcher and, with the help of two doctors from the crowd; they lifted the body up onto the bed and wheeled it off into the hospital.

"Bollocks!" Lestrade exclaimed, shaking his head as he looked at Anderson, who had just spent the past several minutes telling him possibly his most ridiculous theory about how Tyler had survived. They were standing outside a small mobile coffee stand before work, just outside Scotland Yard, holding their coffee cups, when he had made the mistake of actually asking Anderson to tell him about his latest theory in an attempt to kill some time. It truly had been a very bad idea.

"No, no, no, no!" Anderson said hurriedly, a slightly deranged look in his tired eyes. Lestrade had hoped that by getting his job back, the man would have pulled himself together and started rebuilding his life, but sadly that wasn't the case and he was still sporting the wild beard and his hair was unwashed. He looked like a mess, "It's obvious!" he continued, smiling, "That's how she did it! It's obvious!"

"Darren Brown?" he gave him an incredulous look, laughing at how absurd the entire thing sounded. He was lucky he hadn't been drinking his coffee when Anderson had told him the next part; otherwise he probably would have completely spat it down his front. "Let it go, Tyler is dead."

"Is She?" he questioned, pointing a skeptical finger at him, a slight grin still on his face. Nothing would ever convince him that he was wrong, nothing, because if anyone could have survived something like that it would be Tyler Jackson.

"There was a body," Lestrade replied, unable to find any excuse to deny Tyler's death, "It was her. It was definitely her. Molly Hooper laid her out," he lifted his cup up to his mouth to take a drink.

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