He Proposes

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Brendon's been acting really weird lately. I mean not freakishly weird or anything but just secretive. I'm starting to get nervous, maybe he's chea- no! I trust Brendon. He would never... would he?
I decided to confront him about my thoughts and ask him why he's been acting so (pretty) odd. I went downstairs and looked in the living room hoping he would be in there. Sadly he wasn't but there was a piece of paper on the couch. It read:
Dear Y/N,
Please put on this amazing outfit you wore on our first date and meet me at that cafe we always used to meet at in high school. I know you probably don't know what to think right now but just trust me on this
Love you, Brendon

I was extremely excited! My mind raced with everything that could happen. I rushed into our bedroom and got the outfit I wore on out first date. Usually a girl would wear a dress or something but I wouldn't call myself a girl and dresses happen to make me uncomfortable, eh anyways.
(Your outfit)

      After I got my outfit on I hurried up and ran to the cafe

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

      After I got my outfit on I hurried up and ran to the cafe. It wasn't a far run so it was fine although being athletic sucks ASS!!

Brendon's POV
I was sooo nervous but come one now, I'm Brendon Fucking Urie I shouldn't be nervous. Well it's too late for that. I love Y/N so much and if they were to say no to getting married... it would crush me. I have to get these thoughts out of my head! Ughhhhh

Ugh, all that running sucked but anything for Brendon right? As soon I opened the door to the cafe all the lights were dim and Brendon and the barista were the only ones in the there. I was so confused... and then Brendon got on one knee and I realized everything was about to change for the greater good.
      "Y/N, I've been in love with you ever since I met you. Your smile is addictive and also quite contagious. You are beautiful and handsome all in one and you are my world. You make me so happy and I realized that with you... I feel complete. The one thing that's missing is to ask you this one question. Y/N, would you please do me the honor of marring me?"
      By this time I was tearing up and was so happy, this completely made sense on why Brendon was being so sneaky!
       "OF COURSE" I shrieked with happiness and Brendon put the ring on my finger and kissed me.
       "I love you so much" Brendon whispered.

A/N: sorry for the lack of smut, you guys really liked the first smut I did. Should I do more??

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