Out of no where

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Bruce's P.O.V

Im in the lab experimenting with my science bro, Tony. We are looking for a cure to the common illness, Cancer.

I would like to help man kind more, not just by turning big and green and smashing any crazy weirdo who tries to take over the world or whatever.

But every time, the experiment is a failure. I am starting to lose hope, maybe People with Cancer just isn't meant to be cured, maybe that's just how life is.

"Tony, maybe we should just give up. It doesn't look like we will ever be able to find a cure for Cancer"

"What? No way!! Tony Stark never quits!!"

Before I am able to say something, the helicarrier shakes. Tony puts on his armor then we head to the bridge where the whole team meets up.

"What's happening?" Clint asks.


"By who??!!" Wade asks. Then the floor shakes violently.

"BY ME!" it's Doom.

"Don't let him get to the main computer!! He's gonna try to free the prisoners!!!!"

Fury screames over the loud noise

And I Hulk out.

Wade's P.O.V

There are Doom robots everywhere. Doom has brought an army on board somehow. Everyone goes to protect the main computer.

I slice as many robots as I can find enjoying the action and shouting "CHIMICHANGA!"

Then Steve shouts "Doom is getting to the computer!!!"

"I got it!" I say

I jump right in front of Doom. "Move out of the way."

"Umm. No"

A tough battle. And I get wounded, but I am able to heal quickly because of my awesome healing factor. Then finally I knock him out and he falls to the floor. We all surround him.

Then the robots shut down because Of something Tony with his suit.

"It's over Doom, we won!" Tony says

"NO. This cannot be!"

"Oh but it is" Fury says

"Good work."

Then agents take right away.

"Well that was something"

Katherine says.

"Hehe villains are stupid!" I say

Tony's P.O.V

I head to Stark Towers where Pepper is.



I sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. She sits right beside me. "That came out of no where right."

"Uhu. We're actually a pretty good team!"

"Hey! you know what. Your team should celebrate!"


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