Katherine and Wade

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Katherine's P.O.V

The helicarrier is huge. I couldn't believe it. I'm actually a part of THE AVENGERS. I never thought this would ever happen.

Especially because I was usually solo. Except for that one time...

When Fury asked me to join the team, I thought hey, why not change the tables a bit? 

Natasha showed me my room and left. My bedroom was just like any other bedroom in the world, it's nothing special.

I turned around and looked at the room right on front of mine.

The door says Deadpool...

"No, way" I say

I just stand in shock.

He comes out of his room and the first thing he sees is me. His eyes are as wide as mine. He looks the same as the first time I met him. He doesn't look like he's change much.

"hey" I say


"never thought I'd see you again"

"me neither"

we stare at each other which feels like hours.

Finally I say

"Um...I have to go"

I step back in my room and close the door.

I lay down on my new bed and stare at the ceiling. Rethinking my whole life.

Wade's P.O.V

I stare at her door. Nothing to say. I can't belive it, I just can't, I never thought i'd ever see her again.

I wanted to run to her and hug her. But I couldn't, I just stood there like an idiot, speechless.

So she closed the door on on me.

Now im just standing here in shock. Then finally I step back in my room.

I walk around in circles asking myself "WHAT DO I DO?"

I don't think she would forgive me. Should I go to her and talk to her? Should I hide here in my room forever? Or should I just jump out the window and hope she'll never find me again?


A/N: So Katherine and Wade have some kind of past

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