the friend zone

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{Phil's POV}

Dan and I have been friends for a long time now. To be honest I've been meaning to tell him about my crush on him for a while now. I mean, I just don't want to ruin things. I know he'll never feel the same, so whats the use? 

Friends. That's all we are, that's all we'll ever be. Or at least that's what I tell myself. 

I almost thought he liked me once, how foolish of me. Like he's said before, we would never work. So I'll take what I can get. But lately, I can't help but get jealous as he giggles at his phone, texting some boy. "Who ya talking to?" I ask, glancing at him.

"Oh, I met this guy named Travis. We've been talking back and forth lately."

"Does Danny have a crush?" I tease, nudging him. Although I don't like the idea of him with anyone but me, I can't act like thats the case. If he's happy I'll be okay. 

"Well, I mean.." He blushes, shaking his head and looking away from me. 

"So you do," I say, raising my eyebrows at him suggestively. 

"A little. I don't know if its going anywhere so.." 

"I'm sure it'll lead to something."

"I can dream," he laughs. 

"So what's he look like?"

"Dark hair, blue eyes," he says, looking back to his phone. I can't help but notice I too have dark hair and blue eyes. But hey, just a coincidence right?  "He's real sweet, and funny too."

"Well that's good," I say, looking back to the tv, although I'm not really watching it. We haven't really dated anyone in forever, so its a bit weird to see Dan crushing over someone who isn't a fictional character or a celebrity. 

That was the end of the conversation for that day, and I almost forgot about the guy completely. I guess Dan didn't though. 

-- A week later --

I look up from my computer screen to see dan dressed up in a button down and looking quite formal. "Where are you going?" I ask trying not to stare. 

"Remember that Travis guy I was telling you about? He asked me out."

"Oh, cool. Well have fun. And don't die."

"I'll try," he says quickly, flashing me a smile and walking out. 

Lovely. Oh the friend zone, a wonderful place for me to live for all eternity. I mean, I was almost sure by now I wouldn't find anyone as perfect for me as Dan. So I'm stuck being a third wheel for the rest of my life. And eventually he's gonna find someone better then I'll ever be. He'll have a family and move out and I can be a creepy old guy with 58 dogs. 

I tried waiting up for Dan, just to talk about it after or something. I mean its what usually happened after either of us went on a failed first date. We spent the night on the couch laughing about it. By the time 2 am rolled around I had given up and fallen asleep. 

- The next morning - 

I wake up at nine to an empty house and not one text from Dan. Lovely. 

Me- Hey u aren't dead or anything right? 

I send a quick text, worrying for a bit about him before reluctantly getting out of bed. I grab breakfast, sulking around about my lost chance with Dan. 

How stupid can I be? I had a good 8 years to tell him. That was enough time. Eventually I was gonna lose the chance to say something. I'll continue to tell myself that eventually we won't go separate ways. But at this rate, Dan will find someone better then me. 

Dan - definitely not dead, just stayed the night at Travis' house 

Me - thats what I thought, just making sure

Me- im guessing the date went well 

Dan - you could say that 

Me- do I want to know?

Dan - probably not ;)

Me- ew leave 

Dan - nope. I'll prob be home soon 

Me- k 

I shut off my phone, leaning back against my bed and sighing. You should've just told him while you had the chance you idiot! 

No. I can't be upset. It's my fault I was too scared to say anything. Let him be happy and move on. 

I go on my phone for the next hour and a half until Dan comes through the door. "I'm home!"

"In here!" I shout, pulling out my earbuds as he walks in. 

"What a fucking night," he sighs, flopping down on my bed and looking up at me. 

"How'd it go?"

"I didn't ruin everything with my awkwardness. He's nice and funny, and all that," he smiles, but looks down in thought "But.." He trails off, biting his lip

"But what?" I ask and he just shakes his head, blushing. 

"Nothing," he stands up, walking out.

"Something I said?" I say under my breath as he walks out. 


And this was the start of a quite horrible situation. Mostly for me, but eventually ending bad for the both of us. Trust me, we'll get to that later. 

Welcome to my everlasting time in the friend zone, and how I dealt with it, and eventually- 

Well, lets not spoil the entire thing why don't we.


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