Defeating Esther

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Elena's POV:

"Bonnie!" I yelled out when I found Bonnie and her mom holding hands chanting.

" Elena what are you doing here? Why are Damon and Stefan here?!" She says worryingly eyeing the Salvatore brothers.

"Bonnie you gotta stop the spell! You and your mom are helping Esther kill ALL the Mikaelsons!" Stefan responded for me.

"What!" Bonnie exclaimed as she let go of her mothers hand. " I thought I was only helping her kill Klaus!"

" She lied to you Bon." Damon told her.

" One of us has to die" mumbled Bonnie's mom. I looked at her with a confused look on my face. No way are we gonna kill her.

"What! Well neither of us are dying!" Bonnie said with a 'wtf' expression 

"Bonnie I'm not trying to justify killing either one of you. You know I could and would never do that. 'But' Elijah and Rebekah will die tonight if we don't do 'something'!

Turn me." Abby said almost whispering, walking up to the Salvatore boys with caution


Vanessa's POV:

" That's lovely. We're stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are Finn. " spat Kol thinking back to what I said earlier.

" Be quiet Kol. Your brother knows virtue you can only imagine." Esther said with disgusted look on her face.

Elijah cut in, " Whatever you think of us killing your own children would be an atrocity."  

"My only regret is not letting you die a thousand years ago" They're mother replied but was cut off by her son.

"Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now mother, or I'll send you back to hell. " Klaus said with a grin appearing on his face.

Esther began to walk closer to Klaus. "For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, " Esther began to talk and I could almost see the hurt in his eyes. I was so pissed. I just stared at her with shock all over my face. How could someone hate their children so much? How could someone say all this to their child without so much as a flinch of sadness. She must've noticed me staring because she turned to me and eyed me with a hint of annoyance in her eyes.

" And what are you Miss Gilbert,doing here may I ask?" 


Elena's POV:

"Bonnie," her mom began to talk turning around to face her. "I saw the hurt in your eyes when Damon mentioned the possibility of this Elijah fellow dying and well Bonnie I cant stand to see you so hurt. Its not like ill be gone. Ill still be alive.... technically " Bonnie eyed her mother. With an 'are you sure' look on her face. As if her mom was reading her mind, Abyy reassured  her daughter that this is what she wanted. Seeing how upset Damon was about it all Stefan began to walk up to Abby.

"Alright lets get this over with" Stefan sighed


Vanessa's POV:

What was I doing here ? I mean a little part of me felt like I was intruding This was a family matter. I should be with Stefan &  Damon right now taking care of Bonnie, not in the middle of a family war. Just as I was about to answer her, she let out a scream

"Sisters! Do not leave me!" She screamed. 'poof!' she was gone, her and Finn.I let out a breath of relief.

"They really did it huh" Elijah said in a almost shocked tone

I was going to turn to Rebekah when a strong muscular pair of arms wrapped around my waist I gasped and turned around knowing who it was. Kol.

"wh-what are you doing?" I asked  attempting and failing to hide the shakiness in my voice.  He notices this and a huge grin is plastered on his face. He just leans in closer to face to whisper in my ear.

"What? I cant get a celebration hug? asks, his lips brushing past my earlobe and making me shiver. whoa what? no stop Vanesa okay anyone but Kol

Ok I'm sooo sorry I've been gone for so long but I just wasn't really sure about this chapter because of how little it talks about Kol and Vanessa, but I'm really excited about the next chapter. So please continue to read this story. ty loves!

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