Chapter 5

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We pulled up into the parking area that was located just behind my apartment building, it was quite small because not a lot of people owned cars. We both hopped out and walked towards the back entrance into the building. We walked over to the elevator and I pushed the up button. The doors opened and I stepped in with Levi right behind me.

"You really don't need to walk me up to my room I'll be okay." I said looking at him.

"I know I don't." He said grinning at me which made me laugh.

The elevator doors opened at my floor and we both got out and he followed me to my apartment. When we got to my door I turned to look at him.

"Thank you so much for everything." I said as I pulled my keys out from my bag.

"It was no problem at all." He pulled his wallet out of his jacket pocket and pulled a little card out of it.

"Here, this is my business card. I'm just giving it to you because it has my number on it and I want you to have it just in case you ever need anything." He handed it to me.

"Thank you." I looked at the small card in my hand.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug before we said our goodbyes. I watched him walk down the hallway before I turned around to unlock my door. Before I could put the key in, my door swung open.

I looked up and met Ethan's eyes.

"Ethan what are you d-" before I could finish I was yanked into my apartment.

"Who was that?" He asked angrily.

"Why do you care?" I folded my arms.

"Because you're my girlfriend and I-"

"Um WAS your girlfriend!" I shouted.

His body tensed up and he grabbed my arm pulling my body really close to his.

"Now tell me who he is." He demanded through gritted teeth.

"No." I replied trying to pull myself away from him.

"Tell me who he is, NOW!" He yelled, tightening his grip.

"Not until you tell me who that girl was." I said, still trying to pull away.

"She's just a friend." He said.

"Well so is he." I said, he finally let go of me. I could see hurt in his eyes.

"So you cheated on me?" He asked as his shoulders slumped forward a bit.

"Cheated on you?!" Now I was mad. "YOU cheated on me!" I yelled.

We stared at each other for a minute. I watched as tears formed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said really quietly.

I didn't reply, instead I just stared at him.

"Sadie, I said I'm sorry."

"Yep whatever." I said throwing my arms up and walking away.

He yanked me back.

"Why aren't you forgiving me?" He was mad again.

"I wouldn't need to forgive you if you wouldn't have done what you did." I said.

He looked away from me.

"Ethan you messed up, and who even knows how many times this has happened before. I just happened to catch you this time." I said as I felt tears form in my eyes. He finally let go of me again.

We both stood in silence for what felt like forever.

"I think it's best if you just leave." I said walking over to the door and opening it up for him.

"No I am not leaving until you forgive me." He said crossing his arms.

"Leave." I said.

He walked over to the door and shut it.


I sighed angrily. I looked down and realized I was still holding all my stuff. I went to put my purse down and the card Levi gave me fell out of my hand and floated to the ground and fell in front of Ethan's feet. I quickly tried to pick it up but he was too quick.

"What's this?" He asked looking at it.

"Nothing, give it back." I replied.

"Levi Smith, is this the guy you were with?" He asked me, holding the card up high so I couldn't reach it.

I didn't answer him.

"Okay well I'll just call him and find out myself." He said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the door.

"Fine, do it." I said walking away.

I really didn't want him to call him but if I acted like a didn't care then maybe he would leave.

I heard him sigh really loud before he slammed the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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