Chapter 4

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The man had his hand on my lower back as he led me to the elevator. He clicked the up button and we waited for the doors to open. We stepped in and he clicked the button that would take us to the twelfth floor. I shivered as I realized how cold I was, he looked at me and quickly took off his jacket and put it around my arms.

"Thanks." I said smiling at him.

The door opened and he led me to his apartment. He grabbed some keys out of his pocket and quickly unlocked the door. He walked in and motioned for me to come in. He shut the door behind me.

His apartment was really nice, a lot nicer than mine. It was also a lot bigger and cleaner. All of his furniture was really modern and was decorated nicely, which is really odd for a guy, Ethan's apartment was always a mess.

"What do you think?" He asked as he walked up behind me.

"It's really nice." I said turning around to look at him.

We looked at each other for a second before he said anything.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asked walking towards the kitchen but still looking at me.

"Water would be nice." I responded.

"No problem, have a seat on the couch." He said putting his thumb up and turning his head so he was looking straight.

I walked over and sat on the couch, it was really comfortable. I looked around at all the walls and shelves covered in decorations.

He walked back in and handed me a glass of water.

"Thank you so much." I said taking a sip of the water.

"Not a problem at all. Oh I am Levi by the way, I think I forgot to mention that." he responded sitting down next to me.

"I'm Sadie." I smiled.

"Oh I used to have a dog named Sadie when I was growing up but she died when I was about 12." He said as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Aw she sounds like she was an awesome dog." I said smiling at him.

"Sorry, that totally sounded like you reminded me of my dead dog." He laughed.

I laughed with him. "You're fine."

"So what were you doing at my apartment building this morning?" I asked, taking another sip of water.

"Oh I have a buddy that lives over there and he is getting ready to move so I was just helping him out." He responded.

"Oh that's cool." I said.

I took my phone out and looked at the time. It was a little after 8.

"Oh I better get going, it's getting late." I said standing up, I didn't have to work tomorrow but I really wanted to get to bed early.

"Okay do you want me to give you a ride?" He stood up and reached for his keys.

"No it's okay I can just get another taxi." I replied, placing my glass of water down in a coaster.

"Are you sure? The last time you took a taxi you ended up here." He laughed a little.

"You're right, but I really don't want to be a burden." I replied as I slowly walked towards the door.

"It really isn't a problem at all." He said as he lightly grabbed my hand.

I looked down at his hand latched onto mine before looking up at his face. He gave me a small smiled and I smiled back.

"Okay." I replied

He opened the door and held it open for me. I walked out and he followed behind me, locking the door. We walked to the elevator and he clicked the down button. The doors opened and there were a couple of people already on it. We squeezed in and I clicked the lobby button even though it had already been clicked. The ride was quiet except for the soft elevator music. I looked at Levi who was already looking at me and we both smiled. The doors opened and we stepped out first. He led the way to the parking garage and to his car. He drove just a simple white car it wasn't amazing but it also wasn't bad.

"It's not super nice but it's a car." He said as he unlocked it and opened my door for me.

"I think it's nice." I said smiling and sitting down in the passenger seat.

He shut my door and walked in front of the car and over to the drivers side. He got in and shut his door before starting the engine. He backed out of his parking spot and drove out of the parking garage and onto the main road.

"So, i'm assuming you have a job based on the outfit you are wearing." He said as he turned on the radio so there was some white noise.

"Ya, I work as an assistant for a CEO of a big company." I said looking over at him.

"Oh that's really cool."

"Actually I hate it." I said laughing.

"Ya I was going to say that it doesn't sound very fun." He laughed with me.

"Ya it's horrible. Do you have a job?" I asked him.

"Well kind of, I really like to take pictures and sometimes I get paid for it. I don't make a ton of money but enough to keep me going." He responded.

"Oh that's way cool, it sounds like so much fun!" I sad looking over at him.

"Ya, it's pretty fun, I really enjoy it."

It was quiet for a minute and I looked out the window and watched all the passing buildings.

"Can I ask why you were so upset last night when I found you on the curb? Only if you want to tell me." He looked over at me quickly.

"Well I kind of had to break up with my boyfriend last night." I responded, looking over at him and then down at my hands.

"Oh really? What happened? Only if it isn't too personal."

"Well we had a minor fight the other night over something stupid and then last night I got off work early so I decided I would go to his apartment and we could talk things through. We both have keys to each others apartments and so I walked into his apartment and he was with another girl." I said as I looked down at my hands.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry. You don't deserve a guy like him."

"Ya, it's okay, I knew it wasn't going to last forever. He loses his temper really fast and he just isn't stable so it was probably for the best." I responded.

The rest of the trip we just made small talk and got to know a little more about each other. I liked Levi, not like liked, but as a friend. He was fun to be around and I was comfortable with him.

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