Friendship (1)

91 1 2

You smile at Nanami and say yes I would love to! Nanami and you hug. So Y\N why don't you come to my place today? Nanami says with a smile.

#this is a really short chapter.

Go to Nanamis house skip school.( a shrine?! 1)

No. I need to meet more people ( stay at school 2)

Nanami💗 hey everyone this is soo killing me I have to ask! Please answer back in the comments below. What is better pic 1 or 2

Kamisama kiss 1


2 don't know this animes name

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2 don't know this animes name.

I beg you plz tell me. Thank you love you all💗💗💗

You choose what to do... AnimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora