Half asleep

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"Well, I don't regret it." Murdoc shrugged.

"What?!" 2d tried to stay angry at the bassist but was struggling to suppress his joy, after all, his crush just told him that he doesn't regret spending the night with him. "Is that all you have to say for yourself??"

"Yeah, what else am I supposed to say?"

"I dunno, apologise?"

"Apologise for what? I don't remember anything that happened yesterday."


"Anything." The bassist stated. The singers heart sank. Of course he doesn't regret it, he doesn't remember it... "why? Is there something I need to remember?"

"Well, not really..." the singer trailed off, looking back at his food.

"Then I'm off." The bassist stretched. Just before he left he took one last glance at 2d.

I'd better just shut up and not push my luck, I can't believe I was drunk enough to do this to him. Damn, he looks miserable. I'd better apologise to him.. later. And he walked out.

But the truth is there was no 'later', Murdoc spent the entire day in his Winnebago, cursing himself for being so stupid. While 2d spent the day locked up in his room. He knew he was overthinking things, but he couldn't help it. He just needed some time to clear his mind.

Come evening and Murdoc was lying in his bed in his Winnebago, his eyes closed, wondering if 2d would show up tonight like any other night, or was he finally done with him.


2d sat up on his bed and sighed. He placed his hand on his neck, it hurt, a sign that he didn't dream up this whole situation. Murdoc really did make out with him and give him this hickey. He called him his.

That's what the singer wanted. He wanted to be together with Murdoc.

2d got up from his bed and started to make his way down to the garage, and then into Murdocs Winnebago.

He loved spending the nights with the bassist; he felt secure, and warm, and whenever the bassist refused to let him go in the mornings, he even felt... loved.

He casually strolled into the Winnebago and looked over at Murdoc.  His breathing was steady and eyes were closed. He was asleep, or at least appeared to be.

The singer walked up to him and lay down in the space between Murdoc and the edge of the bed, it was almost as if the bassist was leaving this space for him.

2d lay facing the edge of the bed, his back to Murdoc, who lay facing him.

As soon as the singer got comfortable, he felt hands wrap around his stomach, pulling his body closer to the bassist's. He felt a kiss at the back of his neck which made his heart skip a bit. Was Murdoc awake?

"So you actually came..." the bassist mumbled sleepily. "I was afraid that you were mad about yesterday.. and wouldn't come..."

"Y-You knew that I've been sneaking in here??" 2d blushed in embarrassment, a bit scared.

"Mhmmm..." the bassist appeared half asleep and barely aware of what was going on. "I'm sorry about what happened... I'm too possessive for my own good..."

"Yeah, I noticed when you bit my ear and said I'm yours." The singer joked.

"You are mine." Murdoc said more sternly, hugging 2d tighter. The singer smiled and put his hands on top of Murdocs in an attempt to hug him back.

"Do you want me to be yours?" He asked, stressing over the answer.

"You already are!" The bassist buried his face into the singer neck, making him shiver.

"Yeah, but do you wanna date?"

"You have a crush..." Murdoc trailed off. He appeared to be falling asleep.

"You are my crush." 2d couldn't believe he finally said it. His heart was beating faster than usual yet he seemed calm.

"And you are mine..." Murdoc mumbled before finally falling asleep.

"Good night Mudz.." 2d whispered happily. His head was spinning a bit, so many things just happened.. it was time for sleep.


2d sat on the couch sipping his peppermint tea and watching tv when Murdoc strolled in.

"Hi Mudz, how did you sleep?" The singer grinned. The bassist looked down at him, shook his head, then went to sit down beside him.

"I had a ridiculous dream." He sighed.

"What was it about??" The singer sat turned towards him, biting his lip in excitement.

"If I told you you would just laugh." Murdoc noticed 2ds strange behaviour. "Well you seem awfully happy, don't you? Something good happened?"

"I finally confessed to my crush." He said excitedly. Hah! I bet Murdoc thinks yesterday was just a dream!

"Oh..." the bassist looked down. Clearly not in a good mood anymore, he didn't even try to hide his disappointment. "How did it go?"

"It went well! He told me he likes me back! I think I might have a boyfriend now!"

"Think?" Murdoc looked up at him.

"Yeah.." 2d laughed "he's kinda a nob so he doesn't even realise it happened."

"What do you mean?! How can he not realise something like that?" The bassist got angry and looked down at the floor.

"Well, I guess he's still half asleep." 2d smiled and then leaned in and kissed Murdoc on the cheek. The bassists eyes widened as he looked up at the bluenette.

"What?!" 2d giggled at his reaction.

"Yesterday night in your Winnebago." The singer hinted.

"Not a dream..?"

"Not a dream." The singer stated happily. Murdoc was shocked, and speechless. Well isn't this a dream come true? He thought to himself. "Mudz, are you alright?"

"I knew you couldn't resist my sexiness!" The bassist stated. 2d just laughed.

"I guess you were right.." 2d hugged him and smiled.

"You know what you are now?" Murdoc smirked.

"Your boyfriend?"

"You're mine." Murdoc pulled his face in for a long and passionate kiss. He knew exactly what was his and wasn't wasting it.

2d melted into the kiss. At last, they were finally together. They could share a kiss without either of them being drunk or dared to.

He has an actual boyfriend. He could wear his clothes without being accused of theft and sleep in the same bed as him without trespassing.

Life was good.

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