To this thought, Alec groaned and laid down. He winced at the memory of refering to her as, "weak", "Cripple", "snake arms", "broken", and so many other names. She didn't deserve that. None of it. Damn, why can't he get over the guilt? Alec tried to fall asleep despite the twist in his stomach but to no avail. It was a rough night for him.


Alec walked into school looking for Kiley. Since Kiley wanted to keep their relationship a secret from Cera, they never got to hold hands or kiss at school. He met her at her locker.
"Hey, beautiful." He smiled at her. Kiley smiled back at him.
"Hey! What's up?"
"Nothing much." Alec said before kissing her. He intended it to be a short and sweet kiss but they ended up continuing to kiss until,
"Ew! Gross!" Kiley and Alec pulled away and looked to see Cera walking up with a sour face.
"Don't like it? Don't look." Alec glared and pulled Kiley closer, making her giggle.
"I gave you permission to date her, not drown her in slobber." Cera said.
"What do you want?" Alec kept his glare.
"Relax. She may be your girlfriend, but she's still my best friend. I intend on keeping it that way." She turned to Kiley from Alec. "Did you finish using my History notes?"
"Oh! Yes!" Kiley got free of Alec's grip to get back in her locker and get the notes. Just then, Gabe and Chris showed up.
"Hey, Cera!" They each said. Cera looked at them and smiled as they approached.
"Hey, guys!" Alec saw them and was confused.
"Wait, when have you guys got along?"
"Years." Gabe said.
"Since we met, really." Chris shrugged.
"But you were making fun of her, too!"
"They apologized a long time ago." Cera said.
"Yeah, we only did it so you wouldn't do it to us." Chris explained.
"Which I completely understood." Cera added.
"We've been friends for a while but it's nice not needing to hid it anymore." Gabe smiled.
"So, what, you just forgive them for everything they did, just like that?" Alec glared at Cera.
"I forgave you like that." Cera glared back.
"Yet you still sass me." He felt an argument coming on, which he was a little hopeful for. But, Cera let her face soften.
"You're right. I'm sorry." She said, stunning him. Did... did she just apologize for sassing me? Did she just say I'm right? He thought. You can shove your attitude up your ass. Is what Cera wanted to say in that moment. Quickly, she smiled at Gabe. "You know, I'm kind excited for our math test. I feel like I'm going to really get a good score this time."
"You've been studying hard. If you don't get a good score, there's no hope for me."
"Not true." Alec spoke up. This'll piss her off, He thought. "I've seen Cera's test scores. I'm not sure she could study her way out of that grade." He tried. Kiley glared and elbowed his gut, not to hurt but just to get him to see she wasn't happy with what he said.
"Yeah, math is my worst subject." Cera admitted.
"Don't forget science." Alec tried again with a mocking tone. Kiley punched his arm.
"Oh yeah." She laughed. "Never trust me with anything related to science. I'll probably blow something up." She joked. "But, I do have my strengths. I do well in English and History."
"That's Alec's worst subjects." Chris smiled.
"I'm not that bad." Alec lied.
"Define personification." Chris challenged. Alec paused. They just learned this a week ago in class.
"I don't really think that's fair, guys." Cera defended. "I mean, I've been studying all the math formulas we've been given since the first day of school but if you asked me what they were right now, I'd be lucky if I could give you one! Besides, we have had an English class together before. I don't think his English grade is as bad as you're making it sound." Cera said, making Kiley want to laugh. Cera was good at this.
"Besides, do I need to remind either of you about your art grade? You know, your easiest class?" Cera threatened. "I wish I was good at math and science like Alec. I really envy him for his academic strengths." Cera finished, putting icing on the cake.
"You're just trying to be nice." Alec accused, glaring.
"I am trying to be nice, but I never lie just to be nice. I really do envy you for being good in math and stuff." Cera said sincerely.
"Here's the notes." Kiley handed over the notebook. Cera placed the notebook on her books.
"You can ask Kiley though. I wouldn't lie just to be nice." Cera said to Alec.
"It's true. She's not like that." Kiley confirmed. Alec shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I'm going to class. See you guys at lunch." She smiled, kissed Alec, and left. Alec stood there for a second and was about to go to math class when he saw Cera struggle with all the books she was carrying. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I don't see why you didn't just keep the books in your bag." He said.
"I'm just am going to take them out later and I don't want to struggle with getting them out of my bag." She explained. Alec couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you need help?" He snapped almost bothered or annoyed.
"No. I got it." She smiled. "Let's get to class." She said and started walking with Gabe and Chris. It bothered Alec too much. He walked up, took her books, and started walking away. "Hey!" She glared.
"We're going to the same class anyway! Just deal with it!" He snapped and walked ahead of her, Chris, and Gabe. The three stood there for a moment, shocked.
"Did he just forcibly help me?" Cera asked aloud.
"I think he did." Gabe confirmed, just as shocked and confused.
"Must be feeling guilty." Chris said. After a few agreeing nods, they went to class.

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