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The next morning, I wake up feeling slightly dizzy and in somewhat of a daze. Did last night really happen? It mustn't have, I mean, the Opera Ghost never shows himself to anyone. And I am definitely not the exception.

After a few minutes pondering this, I come to the conclusion that it was all a figment of my imagination -a wildly vivid dream. Nothing more, nothing less. End of story. I felt a lot better after clearing that up, by putting facts with facts.

Today I felt like eating out at a café breakfast, so I got out of bed and got into one of my more fancy dresses. My dress was a deep red -almost a burgundy- and it had long sleeves that went down to my wrists, with a slightly dipped neckline, and a black sash around the waist. It was one of my most favourite dresses that I owned. After getting dressed, I walked down the stairs that lead to the ballerinas dormitories. As I was heading towards the front doors, I heard many people talk about Christine dissapearing. This can't be good.

I was about to walk out of the Opera Populaire, when Francois -the postman- came up to me "Bonjour, Lyric." he greeted with a bow. I slightly curtsied "Bonjour, Monsieur Le Pin." he smiled and took something out of his carrier bag "What's that?" I asked him curiously "This is a letter." He shoved it in my direction. A letter? Why is he showing me a letter. Is it for Christine? "A letter? For who?" I asked, which he simply replied to "A letter for you, Mademoiselle." Me? I never get letters, because I don't have anyone to send letters to "Who's it from?" I asked cautiously, while timidly taking it. Monsieur Le Pin looked puzzled for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders "I don't know. It just sort of showed up at the post office." Odd. We then said our goodbyes, and I headed off to a café.

At the café, I sat down at a nice table in a little patio like area, and ordered my food. Several minutes later my food arrived, and I began to eat. Half way through eating, I remembered the letter Monsieur Le Pin gave me. I took it out of the little purse I had and looked at it for a moment. On the front in a formal scrawl, it said my name; Lyric DeWinters. 'The writing doesn't look familiar' I thought, than I turned it over. My heart dropped into my stomach. The wax seal was that of a red skull. Just looking at it gave me chills, so I quickly yet carefully open the envelope and took out the note. The scrawl was that of a well educated man, and it read,

Dear Lyric,

I would like to inform you that your cousin, Christine, is in the arms of the Angel of Music. Christine has obviously had a better chance at love, than someone like yourself. There is no need to worry, her beauty might someday rub off on you. It's a shame to see someone as beautiful as Christine, be related to someone like you... a monster. An outcast. But for now, be lucky to even know someone let alone be related to someone as lovely as Christine.


Don't try to medal into any situation, involving your cousin, Christine. You are warned.


Who could've written something so... so insulting! I sat there for a moment, not eating, just staring at the note in front of me. Than it all clicked. The only one that would be so adoring to Christine and so vile to me, would be the fop of a patron Raoul. I quickly stood up and paid for my food. As soon as that was done, I was storming over to the Opera Populaire, ready to confront the jerk. When I got there, Monsieur Firmin, André, Raoul and Carlotta and her crew were already there. Perfect.

"Where is he!" I basically yelled while advancing towards them. Causing them all to look at me "You mean the Phantom?" Carlotta asked "I mean, your precious patron!" They looked at me in shock, than Raoul stepped forward and asked "What is it?" "I got the letter you wrote!" I was fuming by now "Well did you send it?" Carlotta asked him "Of course not!" he replied "You mean to tell me, that this is not the letter you sent?" I basically threw it at him. He looked at me sternly, than read the letter aloud,

Dear Lyric,

I would like to inform you that your cousin, Christine, is in the arms of the Angel of Music. Christine has obviously had a better chance at love, than someone like yourself. There is no need to worry, her beauty might someday rub off on you. It's a shame to see someone as beautiful as Christine, be related to someone like you... a monster. An outcast. But for now, be lucky to even know someone let alone be related to someone as lovely as Christine.


Don't try to medal into any situation, involving Christine. You are warned.


They all looked horrified. Than Raoul said "I didn't write this." "Than who did!" this was turning into a very emotional time for me. Carlotta looked at me sympathetically before she was ushered up the stairs by Monsieur André and Firmin "Far too many notes for my taste, and most of them about Christine. All we've heard since we came, was Daaés name." they told her. Than from behind me I heard "Miss Daaé has returned." When I turned around, I saw Madame Giry, and Meg. I didn't stick around to hear what the others were saying. All I wanted to know, was if Christine was okay.

When I got to the dormitories, I walked in and saw Christine trembling in her bed "Christine..." I whispered, causing her to jolt from her bed, whimpering. I quickly rushed over to calm her down "Shh, Christine. It's okay, it's just me." I whispered to her. Once she saw it was me, she slightly scooted over in her bed, and patted the spot beside her. I layed down beside her and pulled her towards me, resting her head on my shoulder "I'm scared." she whispered, curling into my side "Why?" I asked while stroking her hair, but she was still shaking "His face was distorted, and vile. He had a face, not even a mother could love." A lump got stuck in my throat. I couldn't say anything. But Christine continued anyway "But his voice. His voice was so beautiful..." She trailed off. I can't believe she said that. All I could do though, was hold her tighter and mumble "Everything's going to be okay. I won't let anyone hurt you." I could tell that that calmed her down a little. She was almost asleep, when I heard her mumble "Promise?" I nodded slightly and replied "Promise." I could tell she fell asleep feeling safe, when I said that. She wasn't shaking anymore. I decided to stay with her for a little bit longer, so she could feel at rest.

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