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I laced up my pink ballet pointé shoes and quickly ran down the spiral staircase. Behind me was my younger cousin, Christine and a good friend of ours, Meg. When we got to the bottom, we swiftly stepped into the chalk and ran off to rehearsals. Out of breath, I grabbed the handle beside me and started warming up with the rest of the chorus girls.

Soon rehersals started and Carlotta started to sing -or should I say shriek- with a crowd of other singers. I was standing alone and off to the side of the stage, when the manager Monsieur LaFerve came and stopped rehersals with two men I didn't know trailing behind him. Monsieur LaFerve looked at everyone than sighed "As you all know, there have been some rumers about my iniment retirement. I come to tell you these are all true and here are the new owners of the Opera Populaire, Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Jean André. Who have made their resent fortune from the junk business." "Scrap metal, actually." I heard the shorter one say, who I think was Monsieur André. I walked a little closer when I heard Monique say to Abigal "They must be rich." I rolled my eyes, and kept walking. I was now standing on the stage with many other people participating in the opera we were doing, Hannibal. I paid close attention to what the new managers had to say "We are deeply honoured to introduce our new patron." the taller one, Monsieur Firmin said. Than Monsieur André finished by saying "The Vicomte De Chagny!" everyone started to clap, including myself, but that name seemed awefully familiar. When the Vicomte came out, he smiled at everyone and started talking. I didn't listen to a word he said though, because I was too busy laughing internally. The Vicomte is such a fop! I bet he is nice, but he is definatley not my taste. I like men that are dark and mysterious. But I can see every girl here look at him with dreamy eyes, including Christine and Meg "I shan't keep you from rehearsals." he finally said, than walked off. Monsieur Réyer than tryed to get everyone to start rehearsing. I tried to stifle my laugh, when I heard Carlotta repeat "He lava me, he lava me, he lava me." I believe she tried to say 'He loves me' but because of her accent, it sounded too funny. Than I walked over to where I needed to be, and started when I needed to start. I was holding the dance prop with Christine on my left, and Meg on my right. While dancing I could hear Madame Giry talk to the new managers "We take great pride in our dance, Monsieurs." she told them "I can see why. Especially that little blonde angel." Monsieur André said pointing to Meg "My daughter, Meg Giry." "And that exceptional beauty. Now relation I trust." Monsieur Firmin said pointing to Christine "Christine Daae, promising talent Monsieur Firmin. Very promising." Madame Giry said "Daae you say?" Monsieur Firmin said "No relation to the Swedish violinist." Monsieur André said "His only child, orphaned at seven, when she came to live here." she paused than said "I think of her as a daughter also." when she saw the look on Firmins face. When they looked up, I could've sworn their eyes popped out of there skulls "And what about that masked gem?" asked Monsieur André. I could've sworn Madame Giry smiled a little "That is Lyric De'Winters, the cousin of Christine Daae." she said and Firmins mouth dropped "She's not the daughter of that madman scientist, Jacques De'Winters, is she?" he asked "His only child." she said sadly "Now Monsieurs, would you please move over there." she said pointing to the side of the stage. I sadly sighed, they were right, my father is a madman.

Everyone was singing by the time the elephant prop was brought out. And I was trying so hard not to laugh at Carlotta trying to out sing everyone. And it was seriously funny watching Piangi try to get onto the ten foot tall elephant. I rolled my eyes when Carlotta started making a scene, because, of course, everybody has to have their eyes on her the whole time. Then the new managers groveled to her, and asked for her to sing the song from act three. Being Carlotta, she said yes and ordered everyone to be quiet. She walked to the front of the stage, which just so happened to be in the same place as me. She squirted her throat spray in her mouth than told Monsieur Réyer to begin, and I just wished I was deaf right now. Just so I couldn't hear her 'sing'. All of a sudden I heard a weird sound and Meg scream, than I felt something harshly hit my side and I got thrown to the floor by whatever it was. When I looked to my right, I saw that the backdrop also knocked Carlotta to the floor. She was making a big fuss, and when she stood up properly she started yelling and screaming, than left with Ubaldo Piangi. I tryed to get up but couldn't, the backdrop was just too heavy "Um... can someone please help me?" I asked and everyone turned to me "Lyric!" Meg said while helping me up "Are you alright?" she asked, I smiled at her and said "I'm fine. Thanks for helping me." she smiled back, then we walked over to Christine. The managers than started to yell at Joseph Bouquet for what happened. Monsieur LaFerve than left and Madame Giry came back, with the Opera Ghosts letter "Signora Gudicceli, she will be coming back?" André asked Monsieur Réyer, but all he did was shrug "You think so Monsieurs?" Madame Giry asked rhetorically, than said "I have a message sir, from the Opera Ghost." Firmin than said exasperated "Oh god in heaven, you're all obsessed!" Madame Giry gave him a stern look "He welcomes you to his opera house-" she got cut of by Firmin "His, opera house." "-and commands that you continue to leave box five empty, for his use." she points to one of the balcony seats "And reminds you that his salary is due." "His salary?!" Firmin asks shocked "What? Monsieur LaFerve used to give him twenty thousand francs a month." Madame Giry replied "Twenty thousand francs!" Firmin said, a little short of yelling "Perhaps you can afforded more, with the Vicomte as your patron." she said with raised eyebrows "Madame, I had hoped to make that announcement public tonight when the Vicomte wants to join us for the gala. But obviously we shall now have to cancel, because it appears we've lost our star!" now he actually was yelling. I wonder what we're going to do. I mean we can't just cancel. We need someone to take Carlottas place "Surely there must be an..... understudy!" André said but Monsieur Réyer said other wise "Christine Daae could sing it sir." Madame Giry said, causing Christine to look at them, completely horrified "A chorus girl? Don't be silly." André said "She has been taking lessons from a great teacher." "Who?" he said, Christine looked so scared at that moment "I don't know his name Monsieur." she said. Madame Giry than insisted that Christine sing for them, which she did "From the beginning of the aria than, please Mademoiselle." Monsieur Réyer said, and the music started playing. She took a shaky breath then started singing.

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