chapter 5.

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(Zara p.o.v)

"Ma'am, wake up please! "

Someone is repeatedly shaking me. I semi open my eyes. A beautiful woman is smiling at me.

"Hmm?" I ask startled.

"Ma'am we are going to land soon. Here let me help you with your blanket."

Shit! I almost forgot I was traveling. Well it was a tiring 12 hours flight. India and LA has 12 hours timezone difference! (Noted? Good.)

"Oh yes! Thankyou so much." I say stripping myself off from the blanket. "Siyali rajput" I nod at her as a gratitude.

"Mention not ma'am." She walks forward.

Well I was dreaming about my family.
(16 hours before)

"Are you done with the packing beta?"  My mom screeched.

The house was a total mess. Clothes flying in the air. My dad running around gathering some books and important rental documents. My brother printing out my air tickets.

'Bang! Thrash! Thump!'
And mom making me a fulfilling breakfast and packing some indian delicacies. (Allowed in flight. Okay?)

Srishti and vividha are busy packing the kylie cosmetics they bought for me.

Tanya brought me three sexy sets of lingerie.

You might need them."
She answers me when I question her about this strange generosity.

"To seduce someone?" I roll my eyes at her.
She puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head to one side.

"Who knows? You still a virgin right?" She asks. (Noted.)

My cheeks starts to heat up.

"You better loose it before you show your ass face to us again. Wanna die virgin or what? Or no! Waiting for the right one?" She thumps her feet.

We four sink to the floor and giggle till our stomach hurts.

"Passengers are requested to fasten their seats belts. Please switch off your mobile phones. Air india 61 SZ is going to land in los angeles shortly. "

I feel my eyes getting tear up. I quickly shove them away. Memories.

I look out of my window.

The scenario is breathtaking. My eyes widen as we land. The landing was smooth.

I take out my phone. It says 10pm in india.
I turn back to look at priya peeping through the seats. She gives me an excited look and wide grin plastered on her face.

I open my instagram and type a short message:

@ itsbenitobixch : hey guys! Will be inactive today. Sorry.  Lots of love!♥

The doors open and we walk to the exit.

"Thankyou for travelling with us! " siyali bows.

"Thankyou for making this journey a lot more comfortable." I bow back.

I breathe in the fresh air. Finally LA!

15th February.
10:37 am LA. (In India its 11 pm)

I am waiting for our luggage. At a distance I can see priya talking to someone on phone. She walks back to me irritated.

"Arpit called?" I guessed.

"Yeah. Wanted to convey the message that the authorities want me tomorrow." She speaks exasperated.

My heart leaped.

"What did he further say?" I stutter.

"He said as far as you (zara) are concerned. They want you day after tomorrow."

I relaxed.

"Why were you holding your breath?" She gives me wierd look.


"Okay!!! Don't tell me you thought that they wanted us to go back to india because they don't want us anymore?"

She rolls her eyes throwing me  a disgusted look.

"Cmon Zee !!You are a bundle of nerves."

"Umm..I am sorry." I flushed. Bitch knows me better than anyone.

"Why such negative thoughts? I know the past was haunting. Let it go. Start afresh!" She throws her hands frantically.

"Because my happiness doesn't last long." I mumble. She doesn't hear it.

Suddenly I see  a group of girls running towards offside of airport pushing, pulling each other.

A girl bumps into me throwing me off guard.

"Easy." I say looking at her.

All of them are running with mobile phones with camera
on selfie mode.

"What's happening?" Priya raises her eyebrows still looking at the direction in which they are running.

I shrug.

I see a small boy not more than 4, holding on his specs with his one hand and groping his pant with another.

"Hey honey. Can you please tell me what's going on?" I ask while helping him with his pants.

"It's Shawn Mendes. The canadian singer and treat you better hitmaker."


Guys do you like the little informations I am giving? I hope its not irritating you because I personally like reading books with specifications.

What about you? Comment. And thankyou so much for 150 reads♥♥.

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