chapter 2.

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"Zara, umm no last name , gynaecologist and general physician".

I stand up. My hands are trembling.

The crowd claps so hard that its almost deafening.  I stare straight. Blank. Finally! I feel tears running down my cheeks.

I look up and see Matt Reels smiling at me. When our eyes meet he sends me a thumbs up.

" CONGRATULATIONS!" The whole auditorium started vibrating.

We four walk to the stage. Everyone comes one by one to congratulate us. We shake hands while we are still shook.

Benjamin then asks everyone to "sssh" and calls out again " these are your job letters. Happy working. Good luck.!"

"Looking forward to work with you. " says matt while checking me out.

" uhm thanks. I reciprocate the same." I answer back awkwardly.  __________

So yeah thats it! My studying era has come to an end and now I shall start working.

"I am excited!" Screams priya.

"Me tooo" I hug her.

So I have studied in India's Top institution " AIIMS". As far as my schooling is concerned I have got straight A's. I had no boyfriends in past. I had crushes and believe it or not; they crushed me so bad!

Offcourse like every other teenager I had my share of anxiety and depression days.
But I didn't  let them win over me. Life throws lemons at you. So what? Make the damn lemonade outta it!

I lost many friends from my school. They say I am changed. 

"changing isn't a bad thing it never was. What's important  is your heart and it remains the same"

Someone shakes me up. I snap out of my thoughts.

"Hey zara! Come lets have the feast!" Anya speaks as she grabs my hand and leads me over to the food counter.

Everyone is enjoying the lunch which was followed after this meeting.


I reach my home and park my car. "Why is the house so quiet? " I mumbled.

As I walk front I  stumble upon something. I stare.
"Pompom? Why is a pompom here!"

I open the door and  I stand shocked.
To my surprise my family has planned a surprise party for me. While  I am still entering my home my little cousin runs up to me and hangs a stethoscope around my neck and hugs me. I  hug her back and kiss her temple.

"What is this?" I exclaim astonished " so you all recieved the happy news?"

My mom comes to me and hugs me. My dad hugs from my right side and my brother come skidding from the left side and hugs me almost throwing all of us and little cousin is holding my kurti. They all have tears in their eyes. My eyes turn moist.

"You did it didi! My sassy sister" my brother says. I hit his arm  playfully.

"SURPRISE!" I see my relatives and my friends beaming at me. Little cousins holding pompoms and dancing.

I run to them and engulf them in a bear hug.

(1 hour later)

"Doctor zara! Please check me. What's wrong with me?" Gaurang my bestfriend teases me putting down a big gift box.

"Oh my god Gaurang! You still alive? Seeing you after such a long time"

I jump to hug him.

"And as for that question you are mentally abnormal the day you were born!"I pinch his nose. He chuckles.

"Finally you made it Z! " he looks at me lovingly. "You had your share of sorrows and finally the happiness is here."

He scratches his neck and continues " I know how hard it is to get your shit together and study medicine! But it was worth it. You are now a part of the world's best hospital OMG!"

He shakes his head in amazement.

"By the way you are a gynaecologist as well as a general physician?" He asks.



"I studied that side by side."

He salutes me. I smirk and tug at his arm and head us towards the party area.

We all dance, laugh and eat. I don't know how the hell aryaman can treat a pizza slice like that! Swishing  it over his finger tip, tossing it up in the air and gulping in one go!

We all walk to the backyard and sit around the bonfire. We talk for 3 hours. Suddenly everyone stops talking!!

You guys are the best!  Something  serious in next update. Tomorrow! See you X. Vote pls. And comment as what you liked. Tell me any language problem if you don't understand.

DECEPTION - shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now