Garret: Bye.

Rogue Two: What are you...

I reached the rogue before he could finish his sentence and I got ahold of his neck. I slammed his head into the ground, put my front paw on his back, and jerked his head upwards to break it. I heard the snap and turned back to the first rogue.

His face held only one emotion, shock. Did he really think that I would be merciful to someone who was thinking about laying a hand on my mate? I walked towards him and pushed his head to the ground.

Garret: Tegan, you can leave him alone.

I turned my head to look at Garret even though I still had my paw pushing this guys' head into the dirt.

Garret: Let him go Tegan. I'm not going to tell you again.

I looked back to the rogue and immediately glared at him. I showed him my pearly white wolf teeth and he closed his eyes. I tilted my head to the side and just watched the rogue. Moving my paw, I pushed his head to the side when the most horrid smell hit me.

I take a few steps away from the rogue that is passed out on the forest floor. A huge grin appears on my face and I let out a wolfy chuckle.

Nadia: Are you laughing?

Garret: What are you laughing about?

Nadia threw me a pair of shorts and I grabbed them and ran behind a tree to change. I came back out with a smirk on my face.

Me: He wet himself.

I couldn't keep a straight face because of the grin on it. I can't believe that I scared him so much that he peed his pants.

Garret: I don't believe that. You weren't that scary looking.

Nadia walked towards the rogue and scrunched her nose up.

Nadia: He must of. He actually peed his pants.

I looked at Garret who shook his head with a small smile on his face. He tried to stand up but couldn't because of the wound on his stomach.

Garret: That's one for the memory books. Now get your smirking face over here and help me back to the pack house.

I walk over to him and help him stand up.

Me: So how did you get hurt anyways?

Garret: You don't even want to know.

Nadia: I said I was sorry!

Garret and I start walking towards the pack house with Nadia staring at the ground while following behind us.

Me: What happened?

Garret: Well, I was running at top speed to hurry and help you and Nadia out and...

Nadia: And I thought it was another rogue coming so I picked up a big stick and swung toward the sound I heard the noise coming from. It turns out that I tripped Garret and he landed right under the rogues feet who bit him in the stomach.

I didn't bother to reply. That is probably the worse accident that I've ever thought of. Then I figured that teasing Nadia would be fun.

Me: Nadia, are you holding a grudge against Garret for something?

Nadia: I'm not! I said that I was sorry! I didn't mean to get you hurt Garret!

Garret: Now that you mention it Nadia, my ankle hurts a bit too.


The rest of the walk back to the pack house was silent. Garret was limping and using me as support. Nadia was moping while walking as slow as she can behind us but she remained in sight. I wanted to hug her and tell her that I was just joking but I have a feeling that would be weird since she doesn't want me knowing that she's my mate yet. Once we got to the pack house, I helped Garret sit in the couch in the living room and Nadia ran to get him an ice pack.

Me: I'm going to go home and get ready for school. Are you coming today?

Garret: No, I'm going to stay home. I can't walk straight and that would only leave to people asking questions. I should be better by tomorrow anyways.

Me: Okay, see you later.

I walked out the door, stripped my shorts off, and transformed into wolf on their porch. I picked up my shorts in my mouth and took off towards my house. I arrived a few minutes later and ran up to my door, scratching on it. Tessie opened the door and she looked scared. She stepped aside nonetheless and let me in. I ran up to my room and transformed back into a human. I stretched and grabbed some clothes to put on after my shower.

After everyone was dressed and ready to go, we all piled into the jeep and left. We dropped the girls off at their school and Jackson and Dylan immediately demanded to know what happened last night.

Me: We just talked.

Jackson: Well, that's boring.

I scowled at him.

Dylan: Nothing interesting happened last night?

Me: Last night, no.

Jackson perked up.

Jackson: This morning?

Me: Rogues showed up.

Dylan: What happened?

Me: They kept talking dirty and while they were occupied, I called in some back up.

Jackson: And?

Me: Well my "backup" got injured before he could help me but I already injured the rogue I was fighting. I went over and killed the rogue that was after my backup.

Dylan: Then?

Me: I went back over to the rogue I injured and my backup told me to let him live. I never asked him why but I decided to scare him a bit.

Jackson: I feel something good is about to come from this story.

Me: I pushed his head into the ground with my paw and he peed himself then passed out.

It was silent for about three seconds until they both broke out into uncontrollable laughter.

Dylan: By any chance, was Garret your backup?

I just nodded and they laughed even harder than before.


We arrived at the school and we immediately realized that something was off. People were acting wary and I realized that the Dylan and Jackson noticed it too. We got out of the car and walked towards the front of the school. I stopped when a girl with black hair, black clothes, and a monkey on her shoulder walked out of the school and spotted us. She walked towards us and I caught the scent of her and realized that she's a witch.

???: Are you guys from the Starlight Pack?

Me: Yeah.

???: My name is Ashlyn and I need your help.


Hello my lovely readers :)

Sorry for the late update.

I finally found my writing journal and got everything organized.


Anyways, I should apologize for the short chapter and the cliff hanger.

But I won't because it keeps you guys on your toes.

Thanks for reading! :)

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The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن