Chapter 18

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Shawn's POV

I'm almost at the pool and I had to get this over with fast because I don't want Ava coming to see this. I hope the fence holding the towel very tightly and am about to jump in. Then I hear something and turn to see Nash and Ava coming to the pool. He can not have her. I already told him and he agreed to help me out with the date.

I look at Ava with an Sorry you have to see this face. I turn around so she doesn't see much, even though when we were younger we used to take baths and showers together. But it's different now, especially since I like her. I drop the towel and hop in and go underwater. I hear a thunk and bring only my head out of the water.

Ava looks quickly and hands me my towel as she looks away. I grab it quickly getting it a little wet in the pool. "Thanks Ave." I say and flash her a smile. "No problem. I'm going to run up and get everything set up for you." She says scurrying along up to the room I'm guessing after she tried twice to hop the fence. Haha cute.

I head up and I don't pass Ava on the way to the room. Huh. I get into the room and Nash and Hayes are out. I see pajamas on the bed and I immediately know it's from Ave. Ugh she's amazing. I'll take a shower tomorrow. I put on the shirt and pants because I'm freezing right now. I soon hear a knock at the door, she obviously forgot her room key. Typical. I laugh a little to myself.

I open the door to find Ava standing there with a hot chocolate and I'm confused but I then smile realizing she went and did this thing for me. All these little things she does adds up to such a large amount. She's honestly the sweetest person ever. "Ave, I can't help myself anymore. You're the most beautiful, helpful, and kind hearted person I know. I've liked you for so long and I can't keep it in anymore." I say and mean it. And to make this moment better, I drop the hot chocolate and push my lips against hers without too much force. But enough to mean, I want you to be mine.

She's startled and I immediately regret it and think about how I ruined our friendship. But these thoughts fade away when I feel her kissing back. Our lips press against each other and it's the best thing. Then I do the next reasonable thing to do. I say, "Shit, I love you. And I know you might not feel the same, but I can't stand not asking you this ever. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Oh no she's not replying this isn't a good sign. She just kissed back though? I ask myself in my head. She finally replies "Of course Shawn! I've always had a special place for you. I love you so much." She slams her lips against mine with more force and I smile so much into the kiss making her smile as well.

I pick her up and sling her over my shoulder. "Ava Klase, you've made my night. I love you too." I lay her down on the bed and she quickly crawls under the covers. I admire her for a second and then take off my shirt and crawl under as well, just like always. I pull her so close and wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear "Good night Klase." I kiss her ear and she replies, "Good night Mendes."


A/N: Haven't had Shawn's POV in a while so... yep. ik it's short. WOAH I updated for a second or third time this week woop! Thanks for 200 reads¡
Insta: @dolannzeal
p.s. I'm already working on the next chapter!¡

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