His idea

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"You should stay with me" he says casually as if it was nothing. I got goosebumps all over and started smiling insanely. Quickly remembering he was still looking at me I stopped smiling. " I don't think I'd be allowed to" I say. "Oh, right"he says. "Well what if you just stayed in the afternoons, then slept at, wherever, then came back over the next day" he says after a brief pause. I think about this for a while, "we'll see" I finally say, pressing my tongue to my teeth and grinning like an idiot. He smiled back after failing at trying to be serious, "you're so cute loser" I blush and smiled wider.

We got to school and I remembered we had a presentation that day so we both headed to the gym. The grade nines sat in the front, leaving Jace two rows behind me. I found a seat in between Kim and Ella. "What took you so long?" Ella asked. "I walked with Jace" I say back, causing Ella to wink at me. "Oh shush" I say through laughter.

Ella and I talked about nothing in particular until I heard someone calling me. "Olivia! Olivia!" someone was whisper yelling from behind me. Knowing it was Jace I didn't look back, because that would cause drama. But he kept going on until I finally turned around. "Yes?!" I whisper yelled back. "Do the eyebrow thing", by 'the eyebrow thing' he meant raising my eyebrow, which for some reason he found fascinating. Huff, I sighed so he could he hear but did it anyways so he wouldn't bug me. That didn't work though, because as soon as I turned around he started whisper yelling again. "Yes?!" I answered again. I was a little embarrassed when I turned around to see one of his friends, Zachary, looking, with Jace, at me. "Do the eyebrow thing" he said once more. I hesitated this time, knowing there were more eyes on me, but did it anyways. I turned around to a now snickering Ella and Leah, who was sitting right beside her.

The presentation was really good, a bit boring at times, but overall good.

The rest of the day was alright. The guys were having some competition so me, Ella, and Skyler asked to go out into the hall. We basically stayed out there for the period. Finally the end of the day came and we headed outside.

We were huddled in our usual group, Ella, Leah, Scarlet, Jackie, Reagan, Kim and Taylor. Edward came over and put his arm around Jackie and we started talking about what he did in class. Next Jace came over. He stood next to me and told me really cheesy jokes after the first bus left.

Finally our bus came so we headed on together.

At my stop I got off with my sister. I was too distracted by her boring story about James, to notice Jace trying to get my attention. When I looked up I noticed him waving through the back exit of the bus frantically and waved back. He them made a motion that signalled me to call him. I nodded and continued home. He turned back around and I couldn't help but wonder how we got so close so quickly. We're we moving too fast?

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