Chapter 1

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First day of summer.

Sunlight seeps through my white silky curtains and pulls me out of sleep. I wish it didn't. I rather sleep than be awake. Today's the first day of summer. I sit up and stretch my arms above my head. I look over at the clock on my nightstand. "8:05 am". Why couldn't I of slept in?

I get up and wash my face and brush out my straightened hair. My blotchy skin, from crying, is bugging me. I swipe on some foundation and mascara just in case I go to the beach this morning.

There's a small yellow note on the counter, like usual.

"Good morning honey, your uncle and I have already left for the hospital, have a good first day of summer! p.s looks like we have a new neighbor."

I glance out the kitchen window, I can see our neighbor's driveway has a UHAL truck parked in it. Honestly I don't care about the first day of summer, or some new neighbor. All I can think about is what happened yesterday, on the last day of senior year. It's over. It's all over. My life just came crumbling down, again. I mise well block this all out for as long as I can and try to have a decent morning.

I pour myself a glass of orange juice and head out to the front porch.I walk out closing the door behind me, I sit down in one of the two light yellow rocking chairs. A small black car starts coming down my street. Oh god. I head for the door. Locked. I locked myself out!

I hear the slam of a car door.

"Alex?", "Leave me alone." I say through clenched teeth. I hear footsteps, coming towards me. I turn around to face james.

"Please just let me.", "Stop." I say walking over to him, in my driveway. I keep my distance though, I stay about five or four feet back from him. "I can explain..", "Sure you can, but it won't make a difference. It won't change that you madeout..." My voice cracks, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. I turn around. "It doesn't change anything.", "Alex..", I turn back around. "Go." I say quietly. "No!" He says, shouting. "James go! It's over, you messed up, and I don't want you!!" My eyes sting with tears as I yell at him. I turn to go but he grabs my arm. "James let go of me.", "Just listen to me." He pulls me closer. "James that's starting to hurt." He doesn't let go.

"What's going on?" I turn and see a tall, really cute guy standing next me. He has short, slightly spiked up, light brown hair. Kind of like jame's but jame's hair is dark. Almost black. He's also taller than James. He looks like he could fight him, and probably win.

"Who are you?" James says, clearly pissed. "Why don't you let her go." The stranger says, nodding towards my arm. James lets go, I rub my now red arm. "Why don't you mind your own buisness.", "Why don't you go somewhere and cool down." .

James stalks off to his car and drives away. "Are you ok." His worried eyes looking down at my arm. "Yah, I'll be ok. I don't know why he...he's never grabbed me like that before."

"I'm Toby Emerson by the way." He holds out his hand. We shake. "Alexandra Meadows you can call me Alex too.", "Ok, oh I'm your new neighbor by the way.", "Oh right. Well um thanks for...that.", "It's no problem."

I nod at him then head for the back door, hopefully it's unlocked. I turn the nob. Locked. I sigh in frustration. What am I supposed to do? Aunt Lea and Uncle Liam won't be home until God knows when. And I can't just call and ask for them to come unlock the door for me, with them being doctors. Plus the hospital they work at is like 45 minutes away. I look over and see Toby, my new neighbor, taking some boxes out of the UHAL truck.

Our last neighbors had a key to my house just in case, maybe Aunt Lea gave it to Toby. I cross through my yard and go through the short white fence, that seperates our yards.

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