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"Everyone in" my mom laughed as we hopped into the car. "Well look who's copying my outfit." Michael laughed. "I am not! We have the same style." I frowned. "I am not!" he mocked. The only similar with our outfits was that we were both wearing skinny jeans and a top with something dark on it.

The rest of the ride to Chili's was silent. When we arrived, Michael and I were the last to leave the car. "Anna.' He said. I just kept walking. Tonight I just wanted to have fun with my friends, not hear apologies. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. I looked at him with fear.

"Look i'm sorry okay?" he said and raised his arm in surrender. I flinched. He looked at me with confusion. "Please don't hit me." I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut.  He dropped my wrist. 

I ran inside before he could say anything. I guess all guys are the same, just when I thought they could be different.

Michael's P.O.V

How did I scare her? I would never hurt her, or any girl for that matter. I need to make this up to her. Anna is different, and I need to know her.

I finally decide to go back in. Everyone is sitting at the table having their own little conversations. But Anna isn't there. "Where is Anna?" I asked her mom as I sat down next to Hayley. "I think she went to the bathroom." I bet she was upset. so I stood up and went for the bathrooms. 

"Anna?" I whispered as I peeked my head into the bathroom. I wasn't just going to walk into a girls bathroom, when I don't even know how many girls could be in there.

"I don't want to hear it Michael. Just go." "Why were you scared of me?" She said nothing. So I left knowing I wan't getting anything out of her tonight. I went and sat back down.

Half way into an awkward meal for me, (despite Hayley trying to talk to me) Anna came back out. We exchanged glances before she quickly turned away and began eating. My phone vibrated.

Group Chat:

Luke; Hey Mikey, um your mom keeps asking me where you are... so where are you?

I just realized I had 2 missed called and a text from my mom

Calum; yeah. she's asking me too.

Me; Sorry guys. I'm about to talk to her. And I'm at dinner.

Calum; with who?

Me; my new neighbor, it's her birthday.

Luke; a her ;)

Me; yes a her. Her name is Anna, and it's not like that. I just met her.

Calum; yeah yeah. whatever. you like her.

Luke; of course you like her. you are not the type to just go out with some random people unless you like her.

Me; Whatever. i'll talk to you guys later, I gotta call my mom.

"I'll be right back." I told them before I walked away. I saw Anna following me out of the corner of my eye. I then face timed my mom. 

"What the hell Michael?! Where are you?"

"Why do you care? you're never home anyways. But i'm out at dinner with my friend Anna for her birthday."

"Is Anna your girlfriend or something."

I heard Anna cough, and I looked over. 

"No she is not, just a friend." 

Anna walked over to me. "Do you need to go home?"

"Yes he does." My mom interrupted "May I see Anna." She asked. I handed her the phone.

"Hi Ms. Clifford." Anna said.

"You are a beautiful girl, Anna."

"Thanks." She blushed "Would you like him to come home.

"I would. Thank you."

Anna nodded and handed me the phone.

"Bye" I said and hung up. I waited outside while Anna got everyone together.

"Just because I came to check on you, dosn't mean i'm not mad." Anna said as she walked to the car. "I guessed." I said, even though she couldn't hear me. I got into the car as we started for our street.

We pulled into her driveway. "Thank you." I said to her mom and made my way across the street.

"I can't believe you! I' am so mad." My mom said angrily as I walked inside. "I can't believe you! I am always mad at you. You are never home, and then you have the nerve to be mad because I actually try to have a life!" I shout and slam my bedroom door.

- - - - - 

Hey guys!! I hope you love the chapter. Sorry I left you all waiting. 

Thanks for reading! x

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