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"I'm sorry Mikey... I just can't do this."  He looked like at me like this was the end of the world. "Anna, you can't do this. The only reason i'm here, is because of you." His finger went to my chin, as he lifted my head up. "Please look at me. I need you. More than you'll ever know." 

He went from my enemy to the boy I never thought I would find. I never believed in love. When I met Michael, that was it for me. I thought guys were horrible. But I judged to soon. We are so similar, and I know he has always loved me, even though he didn't show for a while. I am now about to break both of our hearts.

I am not capable of loving him the way he needs to be loved.  And thought of me breaking his heart even more later on, it terrifies me. I don't deserve him. "Anna. Please. Please answer me!" I could see the tears brimming his eyes. "I love you. Anna I love you so much." 

"Michael.." He was making this harder than it should be. Maybe I should stay and try, for him. No! I can't do that to him. "Oh god, please say you love me." He was sobbing at this point. "I..I do love you Michael. But I don't deserve you! Please understand."

"You won't hurt me. I would be patient. So patient. I will wait until you realize that we need each other, no matter what. Don't you remember? No matter what." "Mikey, don't use that against me." "That was my last chance." He grabbed my hands and leaned in.

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Hey guys! I'm sooo excited for this story!! I hope you are too :) Chapter 1 will be up Wednesday x ©suckerfornutella

Thanks for reading!

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