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Anna's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday to you!" I heard everyone yell as I blew out the candles. Today is my 14th birthday. I thanked them, and we began to eat the cake. After we were done, I went to my room to get changed. Through my window, I saw a moving truck. Across the street and three houses down.

I saw a boy my age exit the car. He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, and vans. We have similar style. He had dirty blonde emo hair. My first thought was that he was cute. Then I saw his parents hand him a key to the house, as they pulled away. I felt bad for him, being alone. He looked so sad.

I pulled on black skinny jeans, a peplum top, and my white converse. I touched up my hair and makeup, then ran out to my mom. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I said. "Whoa, where are you going?" "A few houses down. A family just moved in." I rushed out. "Want me to come?" She asked. "No, i'll be right back." I said and ran out the door and to the boys house.

When I arrived I knocked three times and waited. A minute later the boy came to the door. "Hi." He said. "Hey, I'm Anna. Three houses down across the street." I said and pointed to my house. "Want to come in?" He asked. I smiled and entered the home. "This is a very nice house." I said to him. He shrugged. "I'm Michael." He said and held out his hand.

I shook it, and we sat down on the leather couch. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked grabbing a cup from a box in the kitchen. "Oh no, thanks. I have to get back to my party soon." "Party?" "Yeah today is my birthday." I replied. "Oh, well happy birthday." He smiled. "Mine was two months ago." He said.

"How old are you?" I asked. "15, you?" "14." I said. "Would you like to come to the party?" I asked hoping the answer was yes. "I don't know.." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Ok, well just come over if you change your mind." I smiled and went back to my house.

I continued on with the party, I had changed into my bathing suit and went swimming in the heated pool with my friends, About 45 minutes later, I saw Michael coming to my house. I jumped out of the pool and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I heard 2 knocks before I ran to grab the door. "hey!" I smiled. "Who's here?" My mom asked appearing from the kitchen. "This is Michael. He is new to the neighborhood." "Hi Michael." My mom held out her to shake. He pulled his hands out of his pocket and shook her hand.

"Would you like some cake?" My mom asked. "Sure." He smiled. He handed me a card. I laughed as I read it. The front was a doodle of me from earlier. The inside just said happy birthday Anna. I hugged him and laughed on his chest. He smelled good. 

It took him a second, but he hugged back. I just realized he was at least 4 inches taller than me. "Want to go swimming?" I asked. "Nah." "Oh, C'mon!" I laughed and shook my head so water flew onto him. He looked at me with shock then he smirked. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the front yard.

Suddenly I felt cold water cover my body. He was spraying me with the hose! I ran up to him and grabbed then sprayed him. We were both soaked and laughing after a few minutes. "I'm gonna go get changed.' He smiled. "Ok." I giggled. He came back a few minutes later wearing black skinny jeans, a rolling stones tank top, and the same vans.

 "I'm back." He said. "I see that, I'm gonna go get changed, so come on in." I said. He followed me in. My mom handed him a piece of cake. I heard him say thanks. When I went to my room, I changed into blue ripped skinny jeans, a black top with a plaid shirt, and put on my grey vans. I braided my hair and went back to my mom and Michael.

I heard him laughing, it was a really cute laugh. I don't know why I keep thinking about him being cute. I don't believe in love. I have a good reason not to. My dad was abusive and a drunk, he left when I was 6 years old. I am still mad, he tries to talk to me but I ignore him. My mom is still crushed, how could I forgive him? Therefore, I don't believe in love.

"Anna?" I heard my best friend Hayley say. "Yeah?" "Who is that kid?" She said and pointed to Michael. "His name is Michael." I said. "Oh, he's cute." She smiled. "Yeah.." I said quietly. She was suddenly walking over to him. I felt a pang of jealousy run through me. She introduced herself, and he smiled.

Why would I even think he would choose me over her? She is a little bit taller than me, thinner, and prettier. I just need to stop thinking about this. I don't believe in love, and I cannot handle jealousy. Yet no matter how much I told myself that, I still felt sad. 

I looked over at them talking, and I felt like I was going to cry. He must have noticed, because when he looked over at me, his face fell. He said bye to Hayley and walked over to me. I felt his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I said quietly. He bent down to whisper in my ear, "I don't like her in that way." I smiled at him.

Hope rushed through my body. "Are you doing anything tonight?" I asked. "No. My mom isn't even coming home." "What about your dad?" I asked. "My parents aren't together," He sighed. "Neither are mine."  I replied. "Want to come to dinner with us?"  "Sure." He smiled.

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Hello!! What do you think of the first chapter? They sure did hit it off. Next chapter up Thursday or next Monday. (:

Thanks for reading! x

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