The Confession

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"When I was in middle school I would get bullied a lot. I used to cut and my mom didn't give a damn. Ever since then I didn't like going to pool parties because my scars show and people always ask." I say really fast looking down. Harry puts his finger under my chin and slowly lifts my head up. His eyes burn into me as I glance back and fourth. "I'm sorry" he manages to say. "Don't be" I whisper. "No I am. I'm sorry for being a dick earlier and I'm sorry that you had to go through that." He says with a straight face. I nod and tears form in my eye. "Hey hey don't cry" he says and bends down to reach my height.

He uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears and pets my shoulder. "Hey you're okay now. You have me you have Liam you have Calum you have people, okay?" he says looking in my eyes again. "Okay" I say with a fake smile. It was enough to satisfy him because he wrapped his arm around my arm and opened the door to the closet.

We still had 15 minutes to spare for our lunch. "Hungry?" he asks me. "Yeah I could eat" I shrug. "Good follow me" Harry says letting his arm rest to his side. He began sprinting down the hall into a wing I never go in. For it being his first day I'm not sure how he knows where he's going. He runs into a hallway and next thing I know I am at his locker. "Shortcut" he breathes through his panting. "How did you-" I try to spill out before he interrupts me "Liam made me a map" he pants.

Harry grabs out his lunch bag and gives it to me and puts his hands on his hips. "Eat up" his head motions to the bag. "I can't eat your food I say slightly grinning and shoving the bag at his torso gently. "Yeah you can. Here, you grab the food, you unwrap it, open your mouth, insert the food in your mouth, and chew" he says sarcastically. "But no seriously eat it I'm not hungry anyway" he says throwing the bag at me. I catch it and slide against the locker next to his and he slides down next to me.

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