Chapter 2

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Bunny's POV:

Bunny's POV:

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   I woke up to see my house planted in front of my face. I said bye to my parents before getting out of the car and strolling up to my front door. I opened it to see Kat and Shane on my sofa, Kat giving him a makeover. As I walked in it shocked Shane making Kat jog with his lipstick. I tried to hold in a laugh but Kat's reaction sent me over the edge.

   "Why the heck did you move, idiot" She spat, only in a joke manner. "Well sorry!" He said while Kat tried to fix the smudge. I shut the door gently, seeing the Range Rover drive off smoothly. I sat next to Shane, leaning into his back. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second, taking a minute to process the whole day.

   "So I was thinking, we invite over everyone for tonight, you know to make you happy" Shane said while leaning back onto my head. I chewed the inside of my cheek before replying "That's  not a bad idea , I'll go ring them"

   I stood up from my spot and ran upstairs, still being able to hear Kat moan at Shane. I ripped off my pumps and grabbed phone scrolling through my contacts. I kept scrolling until I came across 'Rox🌝' I clicked FaceTime and dived into my bed, letting my hair spray all over my face. After about three rings she finally picked up, along with Matt and Brennen.

      "Ayyy,I told you she'd be smiling" Brennen said,while laughing. Matt joined in, making Roxi roll her eyes. "Everything ok,Hun?" Rox said seriously with worry written all over her face. I giggled and nodded showing that I was perfectly fine. You might be wondering how I'm this happy, when I just went through such a sad day, but my Gran would always say 'I don't want anyone using me as an excuse to make homemade waterfalls' yeah she was one hell of a woman.

   "So anyway I facetimed you guys to see if you wanted a onesie party with me, Kat and Shane, you down?" I said, trying to match Brennen and Matt's 'language' "Be there in 10" Rox said with a wink making me laugh a little. I laugh a lot, I swear I don't have problems. I hung up the call waving at the guys before my finger hit the red button. I ran to my wardrobe,and opened it to reveal many onesies and pulled out Shane's 'spare' one while grabbing me and Kat one. 

   I sprinted down the stairs to see them watching American Horror Story. Kat was basically putty for Tate Langdon. I distracted them both by throwing onesies over their heads. Shane screamed while Kat wanted to get it off of her hair.

   After we changed we snuggled into the sofa (basically on top of eachother) as the man spoke into the mirror, speaking a chant. I sunk further into the sofa as the shower curtain was ripped open showing a beast. We all screamed but screamed even louder as the doorbell rang. After I realised it was just the guys I prayed out of the others grip, pausing the tv. They both groaned making me smile as I opened the door to see Rox, Matt and Brennen all wearing a mix of onesies.

   I bowed and greeted them in, rolling my hand trying to be posh. They chuckled at my greeting and entered sitting on the other sofa. I closed the door and followed behind them too see Shane and Kat started the show again.

   "Hey!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "Sorry queen, but I had to know what happened" Shane said in a strange voice, nearly bringing Kat to tears. "Hey, um, I know this seems rude, but I need a video so could we maybe do a makeup video?" Roxi said with hope in her voice, I nodded while smiling at her, showing she was more than welcome. "I guess we could do partners?" Kat suggested while biting her lip.

   "Yeah that's a great idea" Brennen said joint in the conversation. "So, Brennen and Bunny, Me and Shane, Kat and Matt?" Roxi said to no one in particular. "Let's get set up then" Shane screeched. 


   After filming our video, and making the boys look amazing we decided to watch a new film Matt brought over. "So what's this movie, Matt?" Brennen said while snuggling into his fluffy onesie. "It's a new one called, Views" He said trying to be scary. "Sounds petrifying" Roxi and Kat said at the same time, their voices both dripping with sarcasm. 

   "No seriously, a group of guys, kinda like us, y'know post videos and all that" "So youtubers?" I say butting in. "Yeah, I guess, anyway, they go into a house for a 'holiday'" he says putting air quotation marks over holiday. "But of course horror movies hate happiness,so someone overtakes the house and forces them to do awful trials while recording it, whoever gets the least amount of views, dies" He whispered the last part adding dramatic effect.

   ThankGod films like these aren't real...


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