30th September 2017

83 6 4

Dear Phil,

Each day, I lose even more hope that you're going to come back. You're not coming back are you? Did you find someone better? I wouldn't blame you, I'm a mess. You deserve better. It's been a month and a half.

My mum came to visit me yesterday. She asked where you were. I told her that you'd gone on holiday. She asked where. I told her Japan. It was the first place that came to my head. I lied to my mum. I'm too ashamed of the truth.

Remember when we went to Japan together? It was the best holiday I've ever been on. I doubt anywhere will compare to Japan. It was beautiful. A lot of things happened in Japan. I'm not going to get into it... you remember.

My mum told me that I looked tired. Beaten down. Sad. I told her that I was fine. My second lie to her. I'm not fine. I'm far from fine. It's hard to get out of bed each morning. I tried to start making YouTube videos again but I didn't have the motivation. I have a lack of motivation doing anything.

I don't even see the point of sending these emails. I get no replies. You blocked me on everything. Instagram. Facebook. Twitter. Everything. I just want to see how you're doing. I hope you're happy. I hope that you're living your life, going out, being happy. The complete opposite of me.

From the depressed mess that you left behind...


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