6. Emotionally Compromised

Start from the beginning

Spock raised an eyebrow and replied, "A curious metaphor, Doctor, as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach it's potential."

A new wave of anger flashed through Kate, but she didn't get a chance to speak again as Leonard cried out, "My god, man.  You could at least act like it was a hard decision."

Spock, still calm as ever, replied, "I intend to assist in the effort to reestablish communication with Star Fleet.  However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise," then grabbed Kate softly be the arm and said, "If you'll excuse us, Dr. McCoy," and led her away from Leonard.

She heard Leonard say under his breath, "Green-blooded hobgoblin," as Spock led her a little distance away from Leonard.  If she heard it, she knew for sure that Spock did too, so she smiled a little to herself as she watched Leonard walk away and stand between Sulu and Chekov to watch their flight during warp.

As she turned her attention back to Spock, she pulled her arm out of his grasp and asked, as politely as she could manage, "What do you want, captain," then had to cringe inwardly.  Even trying to be polite, it came across as rude.  Any other time, that may have bothered her more, but considering the circumstances, she didn't mind that he knew she was pissed.

Spock backed a little away from her to give them some more space and said, "I feel I should apologize to you."

Kate felt a little surprised, but tried to not let it show.  She raised an eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders once as she asked, "What for?"  She still sounded pissed, but she still didn't care.

Spock furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, almost as if he was trying to decide if she really was at a loss or not, then smoothed his features before saying, "I have been disrespectful to you and your family."

Knowing she needed to keep her voice down, she whispered angrily, "You think?  First, you try to get Jim expelled, knowing that I didn't want it and that he really is a good candidate for Star Fleet command.  Then, you have the audacity to casually bring up our father's death during the hearing.  I understand that you want to be all Vulcan and not acknowledge that you are half human, but even you have to know that went to far."

Spock began saying, "I acknowledge..." but Kate spoke a little more loudly and said, "I'm not finnished yet," then went back down to her whisper yelling and continued, "After everyone was back on ship, you maroon my brother, right in front of me.  I understand that he was questioning your authority, but that was too drastic.  You could have had him put in a cell, you could have sent him to medical for sedation, but no, you had to get him out of your presence.  And speaking of medical, you never reported.  You've gone through tramua, Spock.  You can't ignore Star Fleet regulation right now just because you're captain and you're hurting."

Spock's face was blank when she finished her rant.  They stood silently for a moment before he said, "I am not ignoring regulation, Dr. Kirk," but stopped speaking as his father stepped up and joined them.

Kate, feeling better as she had finally unloaded everything she had been holding in, greeted him first saying, "Hello Sarek," and Spock followed suit by saying, "Father."

Sarek surveyed them for a moment before he asked, "Spock, did you really not report to medical?"

Spock bowed his head and said, "No, father."  If Kate's words hadn't done enough damage, having his father here assisting her was certainly doing it.

Sarek said, "Go with Katelyn to medical.  Let her check you, then you can report back.  The bridge will survive without you for a few moments." She smiled at Sarek.  He always referred to her as Katelyn, even with her insistence that she went by Kate, but she didn't really mind it coming from him.  It was something that reminded her of her mother.  Whenever Spock called her Katelyn, it's usually because he was mad at her for something.

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