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There are people in your life trying to drag you down,

Your grades are lowering and only you can turn that around,

Your love life is non-existent and you feel all alone,

You don't want things to change because you're scared of the unknown,

It's like you're drowning in the river of all the pressure,

Not even being able to say that you feel better,

And your head fills up with all the stress of your mind,

Because you're always the one that gets left behind.

Why can't your parents just understand what you're going through?

Oh that's right, because they'd judge you too.

And you try and you try and you try

But the words get stuck in your throat and converted into cries.

Still, you keep all this locked up in your heart that has turned cold.

And in the end, you became a chest of feelings that will never be told.

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