House Arrest and Bell

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Natalia's POV

"But we've got to save Will" Elizabeth states. We had reached the ship and she was given a change of clothes. I walk over to her and James with dad.

"No, you're both safe now" Dad states. "We will return to Port Royal immediately and not go gallivanting after pirates" he adds. I would agree with him, but Will saved Elizabeth and we owe him one.

"Then we condemn him to death" Elizabeth and I state.

"The boy's fate is regrettable, but as is his decision to engage in piracy" Dad tells us.

"To rescue us" I tell him.

"To prevent anything from happening to us" Elizabeth clarifies. Just then Jack steps forward.

"If I may be so bold to give my own personal opinion" he states. "The Pearl is in scuppers after the fight and unlikely to make good time. Think about it, the Black Pearl" he explains.

"The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean" I remind James.

"Exactly, how can you pass that up mate?" Jack asks James.

"By remembering I serve others and not just myself Mr Sparrow" James states glaring at him.

"Commodore I begging you, do this for me as a wedding gift" Elizabeth pleads.

"Elizabeth are you accepting the Commodore's proposal?" dad asks as I look at her in shock.

"I am" she says confidently looking at James.

"A wedding, I love weddings drinks all around" Jack announces. But looks at James and holds his arms out. "I get 'clap him in irons' right?" he asks.

"Jack Sparrow you will accompany these fine men to the helm and give them the bearing to Isle De Muerta.  You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating the term silent as the grave. Do I make myself clear?" James asks.

"Inescapably clear" Jack states.

"You may need this Sparrow" I state and toss him his compass. "What do you wish me to do Commodore Norrington?" I ask going into Lieutenant mode.

"I wish your report on your imprisonment on the Black Pearl" he states. We go to his cabin where I give him a report. Leaving out the parts where I contemplated becoming a pirate. Soon Gillette appeared and said we had reached the Island. I was then taken and locked into a room with Elizabeth.

"What are we going to do?" Elizabeth asks and I observe the room. I smirk looking at the window and bed sheets.

"We're getting out of here, help me" I tell her as I start to rip the sheets. She catches on and starts to tie them together. "You are going to go free Jack's crew then go into the cave with them to save Will" I explain.

"What about you?" she asks.

"I'll be needed here if a fight breaks out" I tell her.

"But what if I need you?" she asks.

"You're stronger then you or anyone else thinks Elizabeth. I believe in you" I tell her. "I think we're done" I state and head over to the window.

"Elizabeth?" dad asks knocking on the door. "I just want you to know you, I think you made a good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you and Natalia" he states as I see him sit down. I open the window silently and let Elizabeth go first.

"Remember the plan and good luck" I tell her smiling. She smiles back nodding her head as I heard dad say something about wrong decisions. I then go out the window and use the sheets to swing to the ladder before climbing up to the deck as I hear dad enter the room.

Just as I reach the deck a gun shoot went off and I look up to see Barbossa's cursed crew attacking. I grab a staff and start to fight with it until I got a sword along with a pistol. I then see pirates trying to get at my dad and run over fighting all three head on. I lure them away from the door to the helm as I hear a bell go off.

I knew it was a warning bell and turn to see the sailor be stabbed by Barbossa's first mate. "Hey!" I shout and we start to fight each other. I was so going to make him pay for what he's done to my sister. Soon James and the rest of our men appeared as he shoots the one I was fighting. "I had it James" I tell him annoyed.

"What are you doing out here?" he asks when he reaches my side.

"Doing my job as Lieutenant, don't worry Elizabeth is fine as is my father" I assure him. "Look out" I state and shoot a pirate behind him. "There we're even" I say smiling then think of a great idea. "Whoever kills the most pirates wins" I tell him before running into the main fight with him behind me.

After fighting for awhile the pirates suddenly turn back into flesh and bone. Some drop dead as others look at the moon. I smile Elizabeth had done it, the curse has been lifted. The rest of the pirates surrender as I sigh. "My count twelve" I tell James smirking and he chuckles.

"Thirteen I win Captain" he smiles and I look at him shocked. "I think it's about time you were promoted Lieutenant" he states.

"I won't let you down Commodore" I promise him. "Looks like the Pearl escaped" I state looking at where it had been anchored. "But looks like we caught Sparrow" I add looking at a long boat rowing over to us. "Well done Elizabeth I knew you could do it" I tell her as I help her aboard. Jack was clapped in irons and Will was greeted clemency by dad.

"I think Natalia and I should sleep father" Elizabeth states. I agree with her and we return to a separate cabin from the one we were locked in. We take off our boots before crawling into be wishing each other goodnight. Before we both falling into a much earned and needed good night sleep.

Natalia Swann: Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now