Chapter 44: Father And Son

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Too much power.

I can't control so much.

My head is going to explode. 

I want it to explode.

Frederick...where are you?

Help me.

My wrists were burning. I was chained to the wall as I sat down on the dirty floor of the cell that I was currently locked in. I was not unconscious but my eyes were closed and I could not move one inch. I felt like the powers of Cedric were slowing killing me inside. They were too much for me to handle all at once.

It was so easy for Nike to drag me there. I could not fight him even though I really wanted to kick him in the face when he tried to touch me with his bloody hands. I did not know what was happening to me. I did not have the control of my own body. I needed to get a grip because I knew that things were going to get a lot worse.

Frederick, I wanted to see him. Where did Vance lock him? I came here to save him but I did not even know yet where he was. When was Vance going to let me see him? Or maybe he already let him go? I seriously doubted that.

"Luffy," my name was said but the only thing that I could move were my fingers but I was sure that it was barely visible. "Luffy, are you okay?" I knew that voice but I could not remember whom it belonged to. "Luffy, reply to me, please." I really wanted to reply but I did not have enough strength to speak so I remained quiet. "Damn it!"

It was silent again after this and I did not know how many minutes I remained like this or even how many hours but slowly, I started to regain enough strength in me to move some parts of my body. So I raised my head a little bit and forced my eyes to open. I could not see clearly at first but then I saw the one who was talking to me earlier.

"Alexandro," I called out his name, capturing his attention. He was there in the cell just in front of mine, chained to the opposite wall. He was dressed in the same clothes that I saw him in my vision and blood was dripping down his forehead. "You're here. W-why?"

"I can ask you the same question," he said and he let out a sigh, "One of your damn replicas attacked me and I could not get away. Now my dad doesn't want to see me so he is going to let me rot in here for some time. This is my punishment for helping out the enemy, but what about you? Why are you here? How did they succeed to get you?"

"My cousin, they captured him and I had no other choice but to surrender so that they wouldn't kill him," I explained it to him and he let out a curse.

"But why do you seem drunk?" he asked me and I chuckled.

"I'm overflowing with powers. There's too much in my system...I think that we can say for sure that I am drunk in a way," I told him and I took in a deep breath, "Nike killed the last replica. I have all the powers of the original now."

That news did not seem to please him.

"Damn it," he exclaimed angrily and he pulled on his chains. He did not succeed to go so far with them, "This is the end that I wanted to avoid. You shouldn't have came here."

"What else did you want me to do?" I asked him, "They have someone very dear to me. I couldn't let them kill him when I knew that I could do something about it."

"Luffy, you don't seem to realize what is going to happen now," he told me and his words just angered me.

"How do you expect me to know anything?" I asked him in disbelief, "I spent months trying to find out the answers to my questions but I got none. I still don't know why Vance is trying to free the original, I don't even know anything about Vance and the people who know about the original, including you, are not telling me anything. Nothing is clear so don't you dare tell me that I was wrong for coming here. It's hard to make the right choices when the truth is hidden from you. So now tell me, Alexandro, what is your dad planning to do?"

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