Chapter 43: Meet Vance

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It was extremely silent in the car. 

I did not dare to move, I did not dare to look at Calius as I sat awkwardly beside him. God, if it was possible, I would have not even breathed. Calius was actually drinking blood from a blood bag using a straw and that was kind of disgusting to me to be honest. It made me sick.

How many minutes had passed since I entered this stupid car?

I wanted to get out already to take some fresh air. I did not know what was waiting for me once we would reach our final destination but I wanted it to be over quickly. I wanted Frederick to be safe at last. I glanced at Calius and saw the way his eyes were sparkling at the view of the blood. He was sucking the straw like if it was the most precious thing ever.

"Are you thirsty, Luffy?" he asked me suddenly, taking me by surprise as he stopped drinking to look at me and I jumped slightly.

"Hmm no?" I replied with a frown but it seemed more like a question. He removed out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

"Is the blood a problem maybe?" He asked me then and I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry, should I put it away?"

"No, it's just that-" I paused, rephrasing the words in my head, "It's just that I never thought that one day I would be in the presence of a vampire."

"Oh, I understand," he said, blinking his eyes rapidly, "I'm usually secretive about my true nature but you already know about the truth of this world so there was no point of hiding myself."

I simply nodded. He placed the empty blood bag away and took out another one. As naturally as ever, he thrust the straw into it and drank again. Was he really that thirsty? He was emptying blood bag after blood bag. Were all vampires like him? Why would Vance even adopt a vampire? What happened to Calius' parents? Were they vampires too?

I shook my head at myself. It was not time for me to question myself about Calius' origins. I had better things to take care of. 

"Concerning Frederick, is he alright?" I asked the vampire. "Is Vance going to let him free as soon as I arrive or will I be able to see him before...well, before Vance does whatever he planned on doing with me?"

"Your cousin is alive and well," Calius replied and his answer relieved me a little bit, "Though, I can't tell you more about my dad's plan. He will discuss about it with you himself when you will see him."

He did not say anything after that and the silence came back in the car. I stared in front of me, my mind preoccupied with hundreds of thoughts. Was I going to see Calum there? If yes, he would have some explanations to do. I really couldn't understand what happened to him or why he changed side so suddenly. 

Suddenly, the car started to shake as it now drove on rough ground and I wondered where we were going. I could not see outside clearly due to the fact that the windows were tinted but it seemed like we were going in the forest. Finally the car came to a stop and my heart started to race.

"We're here," Calius stated but I kind of already guessed it. He opened the door and got out without giving me further instructions. I debated whether or not to move before deciding to get out of the car. Like I guessed, we were in the middle of the forest but there was also a huge old mansion right in front of us. There did not seem to be neighbors nearby.

"At last," a voice captured my attention and when I glanced around, my eyes met with Nicolas' but I knew better. This was not my Nicolas.

After having heard so much about him, I was finally meeting with Nike. Needless to say, Nicolas and him were two perfect copies of each other. Though, there seemed to be some sort of arrogance in Nike's eyes, something that I did not see in Nicolas' anymore.

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