Chapter 33: Final Confrontation

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"Ahriman's castle," said Dameon calmly. "There, they won't be coming in for awhile."

Rhen counted, her friends were not in the castle. Lars answered for her, "The rest stayed outside buying us some time."

The castle interior looked like the owner must have abandoned the place for a long time. Dust layered the floor forming a thick carpet, muffling their footsteps. Cobwebs hang off the wall, their owners were nowhere to be seen. Damp seeping across the ceiling like reaching fingers, the smell overpowering.  Shafts of light burst through the broken windows, casting a dim light across the main hall. Roars of war could be heard outside. Lars groaned in protest, covering his nose with the sleeve of his robe. The smell of mildew and mold left a sickening smell that spread over the place like perfume.

They followed the red carpet, covered by dust and dirt, which paved along the hallway, going upstairs, passing some corridors, climbing flights of stairs and stopped in front of an elegant-looking double oak doors. Rhen held back a gasp when she recognized the place. The hallway, the door, all of them appeared in her dream before. She knew what lied behind it.

"Weird," pondered Dameon. "We have yet to meet an enemy on our way."

"Couldn't agree more. Must been outside to join the war," Lars looked at the priest and Rhen. "Ready?"

Rhen nodded. She turned the doorknob open and walked in, prepare to face her nemesis.


"Looks like that's the last of them," pulling the sword out of the weakling, Galahad sheathed his weapon. "Let's help the others inside."

They ran towards the castle and tried to open the main door. No matter how hard they tried the doors would not budge. Te'ijal volunteered to scout the place. She transformed and flew around. No sooner she landed on the ground than she was in her vampire form. "There's an opening on top of the tower. We can enter from there."

"Hop on, everyone!" yelled Pirate John, who was manning the Tehyor Dragon. "We have a demon to defeat!"


The door slammed shut when the trio stepped in.

"You're here," echoed a familiar voice from somewhere.

"Who-?" Lars prepared his staff, ready to blast anyone who tried to hurt them. Someone yanked him from behind and he fell on the floor with his butt on, just in time watching a magic bolt landed on the spot where he stood just then. Someone offered a hand and Lars rose to his feet. "You okay?"

"Ye-" he turned around and almost jumped when he saw John. He was patting the dragon's head with one hand and holding the bridle with the other. Te'ijal slid down from the back of the dragon and Galahad was scanning the room, looking for the one who was responsible for the attack.

"What's this? Slugs?" boomed an evil laugh. They followed the voice and saw Ahriman, standing not far in front of them. He was wearing a dark robe with a hood covering his face. Rhen swore that was the creepiest laugh that she had ever heard. Dameon stood by her side, "Are you ready, Rhen?"

"No, but do I have a choice?" she whispered. He went quiet for a while before answering, "No."

"Then let's do this," she turned to the demon and raised her voice. "Ahriman! You killed my mother! You destroyed my family! You killed my people! It's time for you to die!"

The demon boomed another laugh, so loud that the whole room was about to shake. He waved his hand and gestured someone,"Sun priest, come to me now." He chanted a small verse and called Dameon forth.

They watched as the sun priest walked towards Ahriman. He stood beside him and faced the crowd without looking at someone in particular. Rhen could not read his blank, whitewashed face. "Dameon! What are you doing?"

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