"Your both sick" Ray said. "I don't think were sick" I replied. "Your whole generation is just sick" Ray said moving around in his hole. "You know when you generalize, you tell general lies" Henry said. "Babe I don't think that's what it means" I said to him. "It doesn't matter, and can you stop bitting your lip, I really want to kiss you " Henry said. "Yeah well I do too" I said. "You guys are so weird" Ray said looking at us both. "Yeah but we love each other like that" Henry said as I nodded in agreement.

Its been 5 hours through the day and I was dying of thirst. Henry and Ray were going crazy over Jeff's snores which I though were really annoying too. "Ah I can't take it, I can't take Jeff's snores" Ray yelled. "Yeah I know, I know" Henry said. "Why don't we just scream really loud" I suggested. "Yeah that'll wake him up" Ray said. "Okay on 3; 1..2..3" Henry said before we started yelling. "Jeff!! Wake up!!" I said as Henry and Ray screamed with me. He Started moving in his sleep but didn't wake up. "Im so hungry" Henry said. "Im so thirsty" I said. "Im so pee filled" Ray said.

We heard groaning from behind us and saw that Jeff was begining to wake up. "Hey why are you guys stuck in those holes??" Jeff asked fully awake. "We fell through them" I replied. "Wait so you guys fell through these hole??" Jeff asked. "Yes Jeff we fell through these holes" Ray replied getting very irritated. "So just to confirm" Jeff said. "Yes Jeff we fell through these holes, these 3 holes, the ones that we are stuck in right now!!" I said irritated.

"Oh okay, So I can tell people that I captured Captain Man, Girl Danger, and Kid Danger" Jeff though out loud. "But you didn't capture us" I said. "We fell through theses holes " Henry finished. "Liars, They should call you guys Captain liar and Fib dangers" Jeff said. "Jeff can you just grab Kid dangers phone and call the police or the fire department" Ray said. "No" Jeff said. "Jeff just do it please" Henry said. "Freeze!!" We heard Jasper say in front of the door. "Oh no" The three of us said in union.

"Who are you??" Jeff asked Jasper. "While Captain Man, Girl Danger, And Kid Danger are stuck in those holes im in charge" Jasper replied. "No I am!!" Piper shouted. "No your just the designated driver" Jasper shouted back. "Ok I don't care who you guys are but if you guys don't leave right now im going to put you in holes like Captain Man, Girl Danger, and Kid Danger" Jeff said. "He didn't put us in these holes" Ray said. "We fell through them" I said. "Were victims of wood rot" Henry finished.

"Alright Jeff put your back behind your hands" Jasper demanded. "Other way" Charlotte corrected him. "Put you hands behind your back" Jasper demanded again. "No!!" Jeff shouted. "If you don't I'll shoot you with this" Jasper threatened. "Son! Don't shoot anyone just call the police " Ray said to Jasper. "Yeah son" Piper repeated. "Hey kid im going to sit on Captain Man with my butt" Jeff said to jasper. "No your not" Jasper said. "Yep im squatting" Jeff said while we yelled at him to stop. "Blast Him!!! Blast him!!" Ray yelled.

Jasper got ready to shoot at Jeff but accidentally shot himself. Charlotte and Piper went to check on him but soon got up and held their guns at Jeff. "Ha! I defeated 4 people today" Jeff bragged. "You didn't trap us!! Piper, Charlotte shoot him Now!!" I yelled. "With pleasure, Nobody messes with Girl Danger" Piper said before shooting Jeff with giant laser. "Girls be careful with those weapons " Ray said. "NO MERCY" I yelled. "Oh and remember Jeff is very stupid" Henry said to them. "Hey! I heard that" Jeff yelled.

They start chasing Jeff around the store while shooting the lasers. "Hey where's your laser??" Charlotte asked Piper. "Where's yours??" Piper replied to Charlotte. "Ah" Jeff Yelled pointing the weapons at Charlotte and Piper. "Sorry Girls your about to get skunk bagged" Jeff yelled at them. "Don't do it" Ray yelled. "Jeff don't do it" Henry yelled. "No Jeff!!" I yelled at him. He starts shooting but nothing comes out. "God dang it, its out of battery " Jeff yells.

"Quick Piper grab some of these antique video square tapes" Charlotte told Piper. "Kk" Piper responds. They start hitting Jeff with all of them until he passes out but they keep going. "Okay guys I think he gets it" Henry says. "Yeah" I said. "Just two more" Charlotte yells. "Take 'two faced' " Charlotte yells. "And Gandhi" Piper says throwing it at him. "Sorry Gandhi " Ray said. "Sometimes violence is the answer" Henry finishes. I nodded in agreement. "Ugh...Who hit me??" Jasper asked getting up. "You hit yourself" I answered chuckling.

"Classic Jasper" He says as I laugh. "Alright let me call the fire department to get you three out of those holes" Charlotte said. "Great, And tell them to hurry before I pee my Captain pants" Ray said. "No!! Call a pizza place before I die of hunger" Henry says. "You really want me to-" Charlotte was saying but got cut off by Jasper. "If your hungry I've got food in my pants" Jasper said pulling out a hamburger from out of his pants. "Here" He said putting it in Henry's hands. "My hamburger " Piper shouted.

"Gross, Im not going to eat a hamburger that was in your..." Henry says but stops and looks at the hamburger. He than shoves it into his mouth and moans. Everyone cringes except me, I thought it was adorable. He stops and looks at everyone's facial expressions but continues as he saw my smile.

I was at the park with Henry eating ice cream. He had his arm around my shoulders and I had my head on his shoulder. I give him some of my chocolate ice cream to try, he scrunches his face up. "Ewe, How can you like that" he asks. "Its delicious, besides you have Mint" I said. "And Mint is delicious, Chocolate taste like it looks" Henry said. I scoop some of my ice cream and smug it on his cheek. "Oh no you didn't" Henry said in a sassy tone. I laughed at how goofy his tone was.

"Oh your laughing, then why don't I do the same" Henry said before scooping some of his ice cream smudging it on my nose. He takes his arm off my shoulders and licks his ice cream off my nose. I do the same but with his cheek, I than kiss his passionately. He puts his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his neck. I hug him tightly and so does he. "I love you so much Henry" I said kissing his neck. "I love you so much more Ivy" he says kissing my shoulder.



ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
girl danger • henry danger जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें