| Damian Wayne |

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Word Count: 2,651.


He never wanted something so bad in his entire life. He was always taught to hate that emotion, never ever be affiliated with it, but at this point it was hard not to.

At first he hated her, seeing her as a nuisance. She tried so hard to befriend him, even after he was emotionless and rude, she still bothered him, wanting to crack that stoic shell of his. Being taunted over and over again finally caused him to break, and he finally gave her a chance. To a lot of people, it went smoothly, as she became his friend and one of the only people that he wouldn't push away. Damian actually seemed a bit happy about his choice of befriending the female.

Damian unintentionally gained a small crush on her, now seeing her in all aspects of a lover. He noticed that the things he used to find annoying about her were now the things he admired about her most. Her giggle caused instant butterflies in his stomach. Nothing about her made him unhappy or disgusted. It was like everything about her suddenly became perfect. He assumed that it would go away as soon as it hit him. I mean, she didn't even know that he liked her. Surely he'd forget about it and move on, right?


When with her, he quickly became very clingy. He'd follow her around like a love sick puppy. He suffocated her at school, going so far as to changing his schedule to match her's. He hated seeing her bond with other males, and felt pangs of hurt and betrayal when watching her bond with his brothers. He'd try and get her to spend all of her time with him, which would end with her having to go home. He was falling deeply in love with her, some would say he was infatuated with her.

Damian had never felt this before, and in reality, he hated it. Because he was raised by his mother, he was taught that love made him weak. That love was unnecessary. That love was a disgusting emotion that had no purpose.

But the yearning for her love, wanting her presence, wanting her everything, were making those lessons go away. He wanted her, and nothing else. He could already get everything he wanted, the last thing he wanted to obtain was her. And he knew he would do anything to achieve that.

Hopefully she returned his feelings. He wouldn't know what to do if she didn't.


Damian was trying to figure out what he wanted to confess his feelings to his beloved. But at this point, it seemed impossible. He couldn't think of nothing, and it was worse because of the fact that the 2 voices in his head wouldn't allow him to think.

'Don't you dare think about confessing to her! She is nothing but a burden to you!' A voice snarled.

'That's not true! It's obvious you have feelings for her!' The second voice said.

'She probably just wants you for your money! She's a gold digger! You can't trust her!' The first voice shot back.

'Yes you can! She hasn't used you in the slightest! She's a good person!' The second voice pleaded.

'She'll cheat on you! She'll find somebody richer, stomp you into the dirt, and act like she never knew you!'

'No she won't! She's too sweet for that! She would never hurt you!'

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