Chapter 29: Dense

Start from the beginning

Although the intense sadness at losing their success couldn't be seen when looking at Shion's parents, Orion could tell, just by looking at the condition of the house they lived in that circumstances were not good. He had received some information that once the Halsire company officially declared bankruptcy, the house would need to be vacated in two month's time, and Shion's parent's just hadn't had the heart to tell Shion yet. The house housed all of Shion's childhood memories. Orion didn't want it to gown into a developer's hands. Yet this was the cost of bankruptcy. Instead of driving home, Orion drove in the direction he was quite familiar with. Although he hadn't down it recently in the last few years, it was undeniable that he had made the same trip numerous times a week as a student to Shion's house. He didn't know why he decided to go there. Perhaps he wanted to reaffirm his disillusion that Shion was ok, and his family was fine.

Orion pulled up close to Shion's house. He parked his car a fair distance away to prevent suspicion from arising, and stood behind a wall watching the situation within the Halsire home. From the outside, the grass was wildly overgrown in some areas while the paint on the walls were cracking at an alarming speed. Many areas were left neglected, and even the garden was just a sprawling piece of land left to the strength of weeds. In the garden, a middle aged lady who Orion recognized as Shion's mother, knelt on the ground pulling out weed and cutting the grass by hand. Shion, who was sitting next to her, also pulled out weeds using a pair of gloves and sheer strength. They had smiles on their faces and sweat running down their foreheads, but it was still a painful situation to watch as the pair were unable to afford even a lawnmower. Although they looked happy, getting down and dirty in the land was never something that the pair had had to do previously. The grass that they cut was uneven and didn't fit in with the once perfect image of a high class home.

Orion felt his heart ache at the scene. He thought of it as mere pity, but couldn't push away the feeling that it could be something more. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled Levi's number.

"Levi, if Shion's house is seized, I want it. Once we've bought it, give it a renovation and remodification, but don't touch the actual objects, just the frame of the house like timber and carpets. Extend the negotiation time or apply conditions that allow the Halsire family to live in their longer," Orion said.

"Understood. I'll discuss it with the main parties first," Levi replied.

"If we go into discussion, remain anonymous and make sure Shion doesn't see your face.

"I'll get it done soon," said Levi.

A city away, Levi sighed as he thought about his increased work load. He glared at the papers and spoke to it as if it could reply, "This is just because my boss doesn't know he fell for someone."

Orion had been chasing after Shion for years, if not for love, Levi had no idea how else to describe Orion's foolish actions.

Satisfied with the answer, Orion returned to his apartment. He turned on his laptop and began work. However, he wasn't completing his regular paperwork. He was searching for ways to being the Halsire company out of their bankruptcy. Although the company was infamous, there were definitely ways to save it. The chance of saving the company was a lot higher to as the Halsire company hadn't officially declared bankruptcy. At the moment, their assets were at a negative value, but if the Halsire company could find more trading partners willing to work with them, the company would pull out from having negative assets. When Orion had the Halsire company under his belt, he had already begun the process of finding partners, but he had returned the company when Shion had left. The company wasn't in his control anymore, but he could still find partners for them. His father wouldn't approve of his plan though, so the chance of him will to support his current endeavour was nearly nil, so Orion had to do it by his own effort. This was the first time in his life that a decision of this scale had been made by him without needing anyone's approval. The thought excited him. He would save Shion's company.

As he begun the research process on all the possible companies, his phone rang.

"What do you want?" Orion gruffly asked into the phone.

"Nothing much. Apparently our 'date' at the company today was disastrous by my father's means, so he wants us to go out again some time," Classara answered.

Irritation surfaced on Orion's face.

Another voice came over the line brashly and quietly in a hushed, whisper-like tone, "Idiot daughter! You speak like dating is an inconvenience. You have to use a nicer tone for him to fall for you. A soothing tone with elegant words. Hurry up and correct yourself!"

Classara placed a hand over the receiver and turned to her father, "Dad, he doesn't mind that I act like a barbarian. Now let me think of something for us to do to keep you happy."

Orion rolled his eyes.

"Amusement park. Be at the entrance by 10am tomorrow," Classara's voice grumbled before cutting the line.

Orion could already foresee what a disastrous day tomorrow would be. It was just unfortunate that he didn't have a choice.

The night passed in busy research until the morning rays broke free of the clouds.

"Nobody. There's nobody here. How could there are no people here!" Classara yelled.

They were at the amusement park. The heaven for little kids and teenagers alike. It was opening time, but everywhere they looked, no matter the direction, was deserted of people. Not even a soul could be seen in vicinity of the park entrance save for the stone-faced man that was watching her with mild amusement.

"I don't suppose your father rented out the entire park for a few million right?" Orion suggested.

At the suggestion, Classara whipped out her phone.

"Dad! You didn't seriously rent out the entire park for a day did you?" Classara thundered.

"Ah, you found out," her father stammered.

"Of course I'd find out. There isn't a soul here!" Classara yelled.

"Damn, next time I better put in a few actors," her father replied.

"There's going to be a next time?"

"Of course...not. Anyway, have lovey dovey day, honey."

The line cut off.

Classara roared into the air, "Lovey dovey day, my ass, you old man!"

"How long do I have to be here with you?" asked Orion.

Classara shrugged her shoulders.

"Give it a few hours," she responded.

As they walked, an appalled expression crossed his face when a vibrantly dressed Cinderella ran up and gave them both a hug. He glared accusingly at Classara who enjoyed being hugged immensely by the pretty blonde.

Classara shrugged, "Dad's fault. She was one of my childhood favourites."

"Hello there, I'm Cinderella. Today I'll be giving you a guided tour of the park" she smiled.

Orion unhappy expression refused to leave throughout the duration of the day.

The actor playing Cinderella felt imaginary sweat drops bulleting down her face. This stone-faced couple spent millions to rent the park for a day to simply observe the park? They didn't seem happy at all. If she didn't do her job, she could be fired. After all, her boss had told her that the people that came today were by no means ordinary people. With such a thought, she put her all in making this odd couple happy. Naturally, her success was never a possibility between a supposed couple that didn't love each other.

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