Merasmus x mute child reader

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(Requested by engineer1019 sorry if its not that good)

You were a young girl/boy about 7 years old you were running away from your home cause your parents would abuse you for no reason saying that you were a mistake and shouldn't of been made but that wasn't your fault you couldn't talk

while you were running you could here other foots steps behind you you were scared on who it was but just kept running. while you were running you didn't notice the twig on the ground so you tripped and fell.

When you got up you felt a strong but gentle hand on your shoulder your reflexes told you to punch the mother fucker so you did all you hered was a cry of pain you saw who it was and it was.....a wierd man with a staff,robe and some odd skull on top of his head
he was holding his nose which was now bleeding

aw crap! look what I did! what if he hits me like mom and dad did when that happens? you were so deep in thought with tears in your eyes that you didn't here him ask what your name was

he shook your shoulder which caught your attention "what is your name mortal" he asked you opened your mouth to say son thing but nothing came out

hmm how should I tell him I can't talk so i got to think of away how I can't do sign language you thought for awhile till you had an idea you picked up the stick you tripped on and wrote in the dirt/mud

"My name is y/n I'm 7 years old
it seemed he was thinking for a bit and says

why won't you actually tell me this mortal its not that hard

you wrote in the dirt/mud again

"sorry but I can't talk I'm mute I've been born this way and my parents don't care about me
you were now on the verge of crying

all he said was "oh. well mortal my name is MERASMUS!!!

god does he have to be so loud you thought

well mortal I assume(lol get it ill shut up) your an orphaned so ill take you with me to my castle

~~~~~~~~~time skip to castle~~~~~~~~

when you got to the castle you were at awe cause you could get lost or can play hide and seek you were excited to go in

"ok mortal y/n go inside I will be there in a moment

you ran off inside and what you did was run around and broke some stuff you didn't really care actually. when your hered some one yell you knew you had to hide so you found some statue and climbed it to get on the chandeliers which were a decent size to be in. you knows it would be awhile so you fell asleep

~~~~~About half an hour later ~~~~~

Boom you woke up to a loud nose that was near you so you sat up tubing your sleepy eyes and when you were done you saw at the bottom of you was Merasmus you wanted to scare him so you clung on the ceiling and made the chandeliers drop

good thing you wore black clothes cause Merasmus would have seen

I wonder if I fell on him he'll yell at me oh well you fell from the ceiling on top of Merasmus and it was like a bull ride cause he went crazy then you froze all around you was green and Merasmus eyes were glowing green

whoa cool I want to touch them but I can't while you were thinking you didn't feel him hug you he hugged you tighter which got your attention you were stiff cause you never been hugged before but it felt nice so you hugged back

he broke the hug and told you to never do that again and all you did was node in approval

about 6 years later he was you wizard father and you two were unsepprible

(Sorry if it wasn't that good but it was my best.....I think well here you go)

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