Chapter One: The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty

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"How could you!" I scream as I grab the closest thing to me, which happens to be my TV remote, to throw at my boyfriends head. Wait. I mean my EX- boyfriend.

"Baby come on! You know it didn't mean anything." Todd's baby blues look so hopefully and earnest that I almost believe him. He's always been a smooth talker. I guess that's why we were together. This isn't the first time he's done something completely humiliating and hurtful to me and I've taken him back before. I usually would have taken him back too. I guess I'm a little too lenient with him. Maybe because I use him just as much he uses everybody else. Maybe because when we are together he is kind of sweet. I think back on some of the better memories of us together. It might not have felt right with him but it wasn't terrible. That is until my gaze slid to one of the many hickeys on my supposedly 'exclusive' ex-boyfriend's neck and the exposed part of his chest. Then I got pissed all over again.

"You slimy son of a-" my shout is cut off by the sound of my front door being opened. To my utter relief, one of the security guards from the apartment building named Allen, greets me as I turn around.

"Ms. Woodman? I was alerted from your neighbors that there was a disturbance. Do you require my assistance?" Allen raises his eyebrows at me to say want me to take this guy out? I smile, hoping it's looks more confident than I feel.

"I'm so sorry Allen for the ruckus. Mr. Truman was just about to leave. Could you help escort him and his belonging out?" If I was anyone else I would be laughing at the irony of this man's name. I guess the name 'Truman' is false advertising for this brand of man.

Todd grabs my arm as I turn towards my bedroom. I look down at where his hand is as he begins to ramble off yet another apology. "Sugar plum, come on we can work through this. I know we can. Just give me another chance. Give us another chance."

Looking at him now, I can see what drew me to Todd. The wavy, blonde hair, baby blue eyes, straight nose, relaxed smile that is permanently on his face. The way the easy demeanor entered our relationship. But now I see for what it truly is. The easy demeanor I once enjoyed is really his laziness and lack of drive for anything since he is happy to live off of his trust fund. That hair he loves so much is born from hours of coloring and product. He uses that proud nose of his to look down at those that are not as finically fortunate as him. Those eyes stray to any woman in the vicinity and hold no loyalty. All those things that used to draw me to him now are things I resent him for. Whatever man I thought he was is not who he is now.

"You have five seconds to retract your hand before it is dislodged from your body." When he sees my face, he realizes i am dead serious. Todd removes his hand faster than I have ever seen him move before. A hint of smile appears before I wipe my face clean of all emotions. Can't give him any satisfaction, now can I?

"Now. I need you to get this through your thick head," I say in a low, predatory voice. "I gave you another chance. You are not going to get another one. You should use what little amount of functioning brain cells you have, grab you shit, and get the hell out of my house and my life." He stares at me until that stupid smile slips off his face. It seems my words have finally penetrated through that thick skull of his. His eyes have lost there hopefulness, disbelief now filling them.

He sputters for a second before his face begins to turn red, resembling a blister about to burst. "You're going to leave me?" He laughs loudly. Not the light, breezy sound that I'm used to hearing but a harsh bark, two pitches too high. Easy to say, it's not a pleasant sound. "You selfish bitch." He spits out. "I gave you so much and this is how you reward me? I will ruin your career. I will ruin your life! When I'm done with you, you will have nothing." His arm moves back but I'm prepared for the punch. This man is many things, but he is not unpredictable. Or strong. Grabbing his incoming right arm, I twist it and turn just enough to get it behind his back, giving me more leverage. Kicking his legs out and his arm in the air, all I have to do is twist just a fracture more and it will break in three different spots.

The Unfortunate Events of Falling in LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon