The Death Touch Chapter 12

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The Death Touch 

Chapter 12 

"What the hell do you mean?"I barked.

"You make a weird statement and then act all secretive, what is going on and who were you speaking to?"

"Maybe if you'd learn to be patient, then you'd find out," he snapped.

"Fine, then tell me, what were you talking about? Am I in some kind of...?" I whispered. His eyes softened, as he struggled to find words.

"No..., well," he sighed, holding the bridge of his nose. "Maybe,"

"Maybe?" I asked incredulously. "Well, am I or not? It's a simple yes or no question!" I yelled, exasperated.

"When you were asleep, you weren't just dreaming or having a nightmare, you were...there in a way" He stalled.

"What do you mean, like in the dream?" He sighed, I could tell he was finding it hard to make sense since it totally sounded bat shit crazy.

"When you were asleep, I heard you screaming for dear life, you were struggling to get away from something. Your whole demeanor changed and you basically were in a bad place yelling and screaming." He spoke nervously, I gave him a look to encourage him to keep going.

"When I tried waking you up, you starting clawing and struggling, but no matter what I did, you wouldn't wake up. You were stuck Christy, in your nightmare," He looked up meeting my gaze, I looked up at him, contemplating if he was joking with me, however, his eyes were purely laced with sincerity.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that it wasn't just a nightmare, it was an attack on you," he said while clenching his fists.

"It means that when you were sleeping and when you will sleep the next time is when you will be stuck in your nightmare, but this time, you can get hurt, you can get attacked and you can get killed, while you sleep," he said.

"Is that even possible?" I asked, disconcerted. "Okay, so what about the wolf and the black blood? Was that also a trick? What were you talking about on your phone?"

He exhaled anxiously while looking through his phone again.

"I was calling Natalia, she's a very powerful sorceress, a witch if you will, she's over 900 years old,"

My eyes widened at his words, mentally slapping myself at what I did to his phone. Shit, what if she's a stuck up person who gets offended easily? I looked over at Blaine, who looked at me knowingly at the look I was giving him.

"Yeah, you're an idiot," he said.

"So, how do you know her, and how can she help with my dreams?"

"Natalia is a very dear family friend, she's like family to me, but don't get me wrong, you piss her off, you're gonna wish you never existed, she'll unleash hell on your ass," he shuddered.

"Wow, is Mr. big bad vampire scared?" I teased.

He was suddenly inches away from me, so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"Trust me when I say this but you'd be lucky if she never looked in your direction because one mistake and you're a goner," I gulped, petrified at his words.

"Anyway, are you feeling any physical pain, anything weird?"

Unknowingly, I placed my hand on my abdomen, remembering the sharp pain I felt when I woke up.

"W-why?" I stuttered, Blaine noticed my shaky demeanor, his eyes trailed down to where my eyes were at my sides. He walked closer, his eyes filled with worry.

"Can I...take a look?" he says, standing mere inches away from me, I looked away contemplating if I should let him see my body and see him look at me with disgust at my hideous scars, and what other bruises I might have from the dream.

I slightly nodded my head telling him yes, I would've preferred him not to but I wanted to know how the dream affected me so much.

His hand slowly reached the hem of my shirt and he gently pulled it up at my sides revealing my bare waist. I couldn't believe my eyes, large ugly bruises stained all over my waist. Leading up all the way to my ribs, covering up my old scars. Blaine trailed his hand along the length of the bruises, making me wince in pain at his touch. His eyes were now pure black while he wore an angry expression.

"Looks like it did quite a bit damage, we need to get you to a doctor,"

I cleared my throat as I glanced into his now hazel eyes.

"And tell them what? How a big bad wolf was attacking me in my dream and how it hurts in real life, but it's okay though, because Blaine's witch friend can help us out,"

"Or you could stop with the sarcasm and we could make up a lie,"


Blaine and I were in the nurse's office, turns out I had a few broken ribs and she was so shocked at my bruises she thought Blaine was the cause of the bruises. Luckily, she believed our lie and told us to wait while she went to get me some pain meds.

"So clearly one dream caused this much damage, who knows what the second dream does to you," Blaine whispered worriedly.

"Gee, thanks for making me feel better!" I said sarcastically, getting more nervous at how fucked up this all was.

"I'm just being honest, I don't want to leave anything out so you can be prepared,"

"Can't you wake me up when I fall asleep, I mean just until we can figure out a way to end this?" I asked.

"Christy, when someone is going through something like this, it's difficult to wake up the person in the nightmare, they are stuck in it, only that person can take control until they come out alive or...dead,"

"Isn't there any way to stop it?" I asked, hopefully.

He sighed while looking down at his phone, I don't know, honestly, I can't say.

"Oh..." I said while looking away as I glared outside the window, while tears were beginning to form. I guess this was how it would end, well I wasn't going to just accept it, I'm going to find out who's doing this to me, until then, I'll just have to delay sleep as much as possible.

Here you go guys, another chapter, hope you enjoy, I'd really appreciate any feedback and if you like it please comment and vote. Thanks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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