That first time

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A/N : I did, at one point in my life, cut myself. I wish I could change that, because I now realize that it wasn't worth it. Your inner beauty shouldn't be put at risk, for something as small as a razor, or any other cutting materials. If you've been thinking about it, think twice. Life is bad the way it is, no need to make it worse.
I'm sorry, mother. I'm sure you're disappointed, and scared, for what I did.
I'm sorry, father. I'm sure this isn't one of the stories you will like telling.
I'm sorry, sister. I hope you learn from my mistakes, so you won't have to make them yourself.
I'm sorry, brother. I didn't mean to take your innocence away, I was just trying to take mines.
I'm sorry, bestie. You tried so hard, and now that all seems like... nothing.
I'm sorry, world. I was too strong for too long.
That first time... It was the easy way out.
That first time... I didn't want to deal with anything.
That first time, I was afraid. Truly afraid.
But NO. It wasn't the easy way out, it just made things worse.
And YES. I still don't want to deal with anything.
And YES. I'm still... Truly afraid.
But it took me 33 tries to figure it out.
This... Isn't for me.
It isn't for anybody...
Or at least it shouldn't be.
That first time, I expressed my self hatred...
In a way that I now regret.

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