The only thing that has been keeping me strong all these years, is so I can prove to that I can make something of myself, and everyone that had called me useless and scum, I wanted to prove them all wrong too. The old man came back to my table and started to clear away my things. He had the most heart-warming smile; it felt so good that he had not just judged me. It was as if I was like everyone else and not just so scum that rolled in off the street, like I was usually treated. I gave the man a big smile and thanked him, before grabbing my things and walking up to the counter to pay.

Hours had passed and the sun was now starting to set. I quickly started making my way back down to the beach where I thought I would stay again tonight. As while I walked around today, I found out that there, was no hostel here and there even seemed to be any homeless people anywhere insight?

As I took a seat against the beach hut the same place as last night, I turned my phone cell phone back on, only to see loads more missed call and texts from Damon. Sitting there just staring at the screen, I jumped as it began to ring. Looking at the screen thinking whether or not I should answer it, I quickly answered, but I was too late, he had hung up, just as I answered. Tears quickly fell down my cheeks, I wanted to call him back so badly, but I just couldn’t. Hovering my finger over the call button, as I tried to get some courage up to call him back, but something inside me kept telling me not to call. I battled with myself for ages before I decided to switch it off and throw it back into my bag.

I watched the sun set through my watery eyes until I fell asleep.

I was woken up by a bright flash light been shone straight into my eyes. Rubbing my eyes, as I tried to get rid of the black and white spots, which were caused by the brightness of the light? Opening my eyes only to see two police officers standing in front of me, fear rushed through my whole body as I looked up at them. ”Come on miss, you need to come with us back to the station,” one of them said. My blood ran cold at the thought of going into a police station, panic took over me as I tried pleading with them to let me go and promising I would leave on the next bus. However, as much as I pleaded with them they would not have it. They did not put handcuffs on me, as one officer stood either side of me, as we walked up to their patrol car. I was hysterically crying now as they placed me into the back of their car. I didn’t no what they where going to do with me, I did not want to be locked up. Oh god please help me, please, I began to pray.

As soon as we arrived in the station, I was shown to a little room where an officer stood looking at me. I felt his eyes on me constantly as I sat there; knowing I could not run or escape had me panicking so badly I was finding it hard to breathe. I felt a paper bag being placed over my mouth and someone telling me to take deep breathes. Slowly I could feel it getting easier to breathe. I looked up at the young officer and thanked him. He handed me a glass of water before he took a seat in front of me. “Can you give me your name please?” he asked, I looked up at him through my swollen puffy eyes “Sheena”, and your surname?” I hesitated for a while as I tried to get my head straight.”, “Long, my name is Sheena Long” I replied through my sobs. He just stared at me like something had clicked. “Hmm Sheena I have just got to go a-and hmm, I will be right back” he stutter out, as he practically ran out of the room.

As I sat there waiting for the officer to return, I noticed the other officer that was standing by the door was gone as well. my blood run cold, by being locked up in this room all alone, and knowing that all that was separating me from rapists and murders was one door, one door that the was now left unguarded. My body started to shake uncontrollably as I started to panic more and more. I closed my eyes and pictured Damon snuggled up beside me, feeling the shaking of my body calming down I continued to think of him. Then like a flash the mans face that attempted to rape me came into my head making me scream out. The door sung open and an officer came running into the room “miss, miss” I could hear him but I was too much in shock, as I could not erase the picture of his face. I continued to scream, my heart was beating so fast out of fear, and I felt like I was going to die. It was as if I was outside of the room looking in as I could hear voices and see them but I could not respond everything was in slow motion. I then heard an officer shouting out get them here now and then I welcomed the blackness.

Waking up and noticing I was no long sitting in a chair but I was now in a bed I slowly opened my eyes only to see the two police officers that brought me here earlier, standing at the side of me. Looking at there faces scared me as they both looked very nervous, even scared. I tore my eyes away from them as I heard the door swing open almost violently; scared of what was happening I closed my eyes shut tight until I heard his voice. The voice that I loved, the voice I longed for, it was Damon jumping out of the bed.  I ran into his arms that he had held out to me. I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around his waist as I began to cry.” Damon I am so sorry, I have missed you so much, please forgive me for leaving you, please forgive me, I love you so much!”  I rushed out between my broken sobs. My body felt so right up against his, he placed a finger against my lips silencing me, and then crashed his lips against mine. I kissed him back with everything I had, every part of my body ignited with sparks, hot pleasurable tingling sensations. Right now I was ready for him, I knew he was the one as I felt complete, even loved. We broke the kiss as we heard someone shouting in the background. Looking up my eyes locked with Cherelle’s, and although I was still angry with her, I was so happy to see her. I jumped down off of Damon, and went running over to her and hugged her tightly. I apologised for running while she apologised for keeping things from me. That is when I decided that, I would never ever leave them again, and for as long as they are willing to be my friends I was going to stay with them.

After Damon had spoken to the Sergeant, he came back and picked me up in his arms, ”Lets go home”  he said, with the same loving smile he used to always give me. I kissed him hard on the lips and then nodded, as he carried me out of the police station with my teddy still in my arms. Just as we reached Lee’s car, the sergeant shouted out to Damon while the two officers headed over towards me. I seen Damon’s face go pale, then I saw the shocked look written right across his face.  One officer started to read me my rights while another one hand cuffed me. I stood there confused, as I looked over at Damon, who now had no expression on his face what so ever.

 I didn’t have a clue what was going on around me as shock took over me. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn’t even think straight, hell I couldn’t think at all. As they led me back into the police station, I could see Damon still standing there shocked. I cried out to him but he did not reply he didn’t even look at me. What have I done that is so bad to make him not even want to look at me? I thought to my shocked self. As the doors closed behind me, reality of what was happening to me kicked in, it was as if a knife went through my heart.

I hope you all enjoyed :D

<3 Mel xx

I Fake That Smile! ( Completed Watty Awards finalist 2012)Where stories live. Discover now