Spending time (7)

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Chapter 7

Saturday. At last.

Rose stretched on the bed, smiling at the sun filtering through her curtains. It was high in the sky, meaning she slept late.

She rolled on the bed and gave a blissful sigh. No Evan Morris today.

No heart thumping moments today.

Life was good.

She stirred and set her feet on the floor, sliding them in her slippers. Pulling on a pair of sweats over her girl boxers, she went to her window and opened it. Just then her phone beeped. Humming a tune, she moved to her bed and searched under her pillow for her phone. Her fingers touched the object and she took it out.

An unknown number. Frowning she opened it and gave a growl of frustration.

Missing me today Flower?

Why the freaking hell is this guy texting her? Why did he even have her number in the first place?

She dropped the phone on the mattress, and strode to the door then turned back around and went to her phone. She unlocked it and started to give him an angry reply.

How the hell did you get my number stalker?

She sent it, and set her phone down again. She started to her door when the phone beeped again.

She stared at it, wondering whether it was worth it. But her curiosity won, so she read the message.

I have my sources sweetheart.

She sent him a reply just as quickly;

As if you had nothing better to do than find my number.

Then she sped out of the room before he could reply. She went to the bathroom, got ready and pulled on one of the shirts of her brother.

She went back to her room to see another text.

Actually I’d rather kiss you at the moment, but sometimes you have to adjust to the situation.


She threw the phone on the bed for the third time and pulled her hair into a bun. She plodded around, pulling on her socks then slipping into her slippers as she walked to the kitchen. Her mother was seated at the kitchen table, a book in hand.

Hmm…wonder what it was. Sandra Brown?

“Mom. I’m hungry.”

Her mother looked up from the book she was reading and said, “You woke up late and breakfast is over and done.”

“Mom,” she whined.

“Eat some cereal,” she said, turning to her book.

Rose sighed but followed her orders, turning to the cupboards.

“Where’s Cam?”

“Friend’s place.”

She set her bowl of cereal on the table ad poured some milk into it. She scooped a spoonful into her mouth.

“So what are you doing today?” her mom asked raising her eyes from the book.  Rose shrugged.

“Study?” she said. Pathetic, but she had to work hard to earn the grades she got. And no, she didn't want to lose the first place in her class any soon.

She finished the bowl and stood up.

"I'll be going out in the afternoon. Anything you need from the shops?"

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