Mine to Hold and Keep (6)

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Chapter 6

He strode through the corridors, eyes trained for a brunette with glasses in the crowd. His mates were on either sides of him, not knowing what he was searching for.

“Evan are you coming to class or not?” asked one guy exasperated. He grinned and said, “I will. I'm just waiting for someone.”

“Someone? As in Rose Carter?”

Evan paused and gave him a snide glance. “Really? Why would you think that?”

“C’mon, everyone knows that she has a thing for you. And you are playing around with her. Give her a break,” the guy continued. Evan smiled, rather grimly.

“Actually, it’s wrong. She doesn’t have a thing for me. And I’m not playing with her. Is it bad for a girl and a boy to be friends?” he added a cute smile for more effect. It usually blinded them, as it did now. These guys admired him a lot.

They laughed. “That’s one of the funniest things I heard!”

“You don't play friends with girls, man. Not with girls like her.”

“Agreed. She’s hot. Even though she doesn’t know it.”

“But that what makes her better. Because, she does things unknowingly, that it turns you on—”

He tuned out of the conversation, not wanting to risk losing his temper. They talk about her like that because she’s free. Once I catch her, there won't be such talk, he promised himself.

He started craning his neck, searching for the object of his desire. Damn you Rose, making me go to such lengths—he sighed.

She had started to evade him again, escaping from his sight in a split second. Was she that scared of him?

“Hey, I’ll just separate from here ok? You guys go to class, I’ll come soon,” he said, patting them in the back. They nodded and catcalled and frolicked around, shoving each other as they headed to the homeroom. Idiots.

“Now,” he muttered, “where are you flower?”

Getting an idea, Evan started to climb the nearest staircase, pushing against the students rushing to class in the morning. But, he had more important things to do. Like seize Rose before she got to class. Stopping halfway, he turned and searched over the heads for her. If his friends knew what trouble he was going through for a girl—he shook his head ruefully. She was worth this effort anyway.

The first bell rang. But he didn't give a damn. He could always skip the first period anyway; Rose didn't have that subject with him.

The hallway cleared considerably, a few stragglers hurrying to get to class. He had a good view of the corridor from here. And aha-

There she was.

Then he gave an annoyed growl. She wasn’t alone. Worse, she was with a boy, the student council president to be exact. He frowned. Why are they together?

He watched as Rose said something to the boy and scribbled something down in her notebook. They stood in front of the grey lockers and as Rose pointed at certain ones, he nodded and made marks in a piece of paper. Evan leaned over the banisters. What the hell were they doing?

The student council president suddenly looked up, straight at him. Evan narrowed his eyes at him. What’s his problem?

“Evan, shouldn’t you be in class?” he called from the floor, which made Rose to look up with a start. Then her face blanked. He didn't like that expressionless look.

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