She passed a group of Aarons arm-wrestling, and other monsters in the corner smoking. She finally stopped in front of a monster who was staring into space. "Whatcha lookin' at?" she asked. He snapped out of his daze and glared at Frisk.

"None of your damn business," he growled. Frisk sat down beside him. "What's wrong?" she asked, staring at him with kind eyes. He finally broke. "My wife left me!" he said, sobbing, and pouring himself a glass of gin.

He looked at Frisk. "Ya want some? I'll tell you all about her," he said, still sobbing. Frisk accepted.

Meanwhile, G was talking to Grillby. "I'm not sure who planned it, but we're trying to save Frisk so he doesn't kill off humanity." G was saying.

(A/N: Okay so basically I've read a lot of stories where G is drunk and I wanted to write something where Frisk was drunk xD)

Suddenly Frisk walked up and sat on the barstool again. "Tulip, I told you-" G started, but Frisk just stared at him with glossy eyes. "You tell me a lot of things, G," she said, her words slurred.

G looked at Grillby and a silent fact passed between them. Frisk was drunk. "Where'd you get your drink, Frisk?" Grillby said, gesturing to the glass in her hand. She giggled. "That nice monster over there gave me some. But he was booooring, so I left," she said with a laugh, putting her head on the table.

Grillby smirked, and G knew what was coming. "Grillby, no-"

(A/N: okay okay xD just for @LunaDragonWinchester 's comment, here's a little comic relief.)

Grillby stared G down as he shouted "GRILLBY YES!"

The whole bar looked at them in bewilderment. For a count of three, no one said anything. Then, one by one, all the monsters started chanting.




Grillby smirked at G, triumphant, before turning back to the drunk girl.

(Ok the italic part didn't actually happen but it was pretty funny so don't judge)

"So Frisk, what do you think of G?"

Frisk looked at G for a long time. "Welp," she said, over-exaggerating the cheer in her voice. "I think he is a skeleton," she said before giggling. G looked at Grillby triumphantly, sending a silent message. 'You can't get to her.'

"A pretty handsome skeleton, if I do say so myself." Frisk blurted coyly. Both G and Grillby's heads snapped to her, and Grillby burst out laughing. Frisk laughed with him. "What are we laughing about, Grillbyyyy?" she sang.

Grillby stopped laughing and smirked once more. "Anything else?" he said. Frisk put her head on the table as if she was going to fall asleep. "Undyne said he loves me, but I don't know if I love him or looooooooooooove him," she said sadly. G's face burned yellow and Grillby started laughing once again. "Would you kiss him right now, Frisk?" He asked.

G glared at Grillby before turning to Frisk, who was falling asleep.

"Probably...." she mumbled before dozing off. Grillby could not stop laughing for the next 10 minutes as G tried to get himself to stop blushing. "Guess you guys were lying when I asked if you two were a thing." He said, chuckling. "We are not a thing." G protested, but Grillby just laughed again and gestured to Frisk, who was sleeping.

'She looks cute while she sleeps' G thought. He realized what he was thinking and mentally kicked himself.

G ended up talking to Grillby some more before 3 hours passed by way too fast.

When Frisk woke up 3 hours later, she felt terrible. There was a buzz in her head and her limbs felt sore.

"Hey, she's awake." She heard Grillby say. She looked up and found herself still sitting on the same barstool she had fallen asleep on.

"Hey, Tulip, how ya doin'," G said. Frisk frowned. "Quite terrible, actually. Did I....?"

"Get drunk? Yes. Yes, you did." Frisk groaned.

She turned to Grillby in embarrassment. "Was it bad?" She asked him. He chuckled and glanced at G. "It was...interesting." He said. Frisk blushed, too embarrassed to press for details.

G cleared his throat. "Anyways," he continued. "Grillby said he can't get us exactly to the lab, but he can help us get closer than just starting here. Frisk smiled at the flame monster. He seemed to be a lot friendlier than he appeared.

Grillby signaled for them to follow him into the back. "I know this sounds weird," he said once they were in the kitchen. He pointed to two stoves in the center of it all, "But I need you to stand on those ovens." Frisk gaped at him "But what if we break-" She had been cut off by G, who was already standing on an oven and pulled her up onto the other.

Frisk wondered how this could possibly make any sense. Grillby bade farewell to his friend before his hands glowed orange and the two vanished from sight.

Words: 1376
I'm finally getting the hang of writing every day! I really do love to write, especially this story. I've decided I WILL post an update every 10 chapters or so. So if you get two notifications tomorrow, I haven't actually posted 2 in a day. Soz.

Anyways, have a good day and peace out!

Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon