Awww A baby dragon... NOT FRIENDLY, YUGO HELP!!

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"Luna what's wrong.... Oh Grougal." Yugo yelled as he ran into the room



Grougal whimpered as he backed up a little. "OW!"

"You okay?"

"His teeth are very sharp... But I forgive him, he's just a baby."

"Okay but he still shouldn't do that."

"Grougaloragran!" The three heard a small voice shout

"Was that...?"


"Grougaloragran!" The baby Eliatrope shouted

The two older Eliatrope's jaws dropped at the sight of a baby saying Grougal's full name, twice in a row. "ALIBERT!!" Luna shouted

"What!? What is it!? Did Grougal hurt someone!? Did Chibi throw up in someone's meal!?" Alibert shouted as he sprinted into the room

"No! Chibi said Grougaloragran." Yugo said laughing


"Grougaloragran!" Chibi shouted

Alibert's jaw dropped "that kid deserves a medal."

The three burst out laughing, until Adami came in the room "what's so funny?" He asked

"Grougaloragran! GROUGALORAGRAN!" Chibi yelled

"I'm gonna go make a medal for him now." Adami said as he walked out of the room

'Well Chibi's first word was in fact Grougaloragran.' Yugo thought to himself "hey Luna what'd ya do to make Grougal mad anyway?"



Luna walked into the kitchen  to find a little ball of black flying around with Chibi on his back, she smiled and walked over to the little fruit basket and picked up the last api there. That's when Grougal flew over and set Chibi down, waddled over to the fruit basket, searched for a bit, growled, and then jumped at Luna.


"Apiees are Grougal's favorite." Yugo stated

"Ooooh." Luna replied

The two laughed at what had happened so far that day, and then Adami walked in with a medal made of a large pebble and some string, and placed it on Chibi "I now award Chibi, for having his first word be, 'Grougaloragran'." He said

The three 13 year olds started to laugh their butts off after that, the day was starting out great, until they released, that Yugo and Adami had a meeting in the Sadida Kingdom to attend. "Do I have to go?" Yugo asked

"Yes Yugo we both have to be there." Adami said

"Yeah but last time I got mobbed."

"I know, but we have to be there bro."

"I could come and make sure the Sadidas don't attack you." Luna suggested.

"I've got an idea!" Yugo shouted "Luna can go for me!"

"Yugo! You can't just not go because you don't want to get mobbed!" Adami shouted

"The reason I got mobbed last time was because of you!"

"What did I do!?"

"You didn't wake me up, obviously because we had had a fight just like this the night before! You left me alone to be mobbed!!"

"Yugo I-I promise I didn't want you to get mobbed!"

"Okay this is brother stuff so I'm just gonna go." Luna said as she backed out of the room

"Adami, you're kidding right? You purposely didn't wake me, so that I would be late right? Well it resulted in one: getting me mobbed! And 2: getting us kidnapped for a short period of time!"

"Yugo you know perfectly well how angry I was, but I would never want you to get hurt!"

"Yeah? Well too late. I got hurt."

Adami looked at the ground reluctantly, filled with guilt. Yugo stormed out of the room, and outside, dragging Luna with him. 'I honestly never thought I'd see the day that Adami looked guilty.' He thought

'It feels good'

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